I never believed that Michael Jackson did what the publicity-seeking Los Angeles Police Department and a twisted, fame-grabbing district attorney crammed down the insensitive, sycophantic media's throats. Of course, Jackson was acquitted.
But the theater of celebrity justice killed him then, and he disappeared, feeling humiliated and unrecovered.
Now he is gone, and all I gave him was my courage that he was just as he said: a man who loved children, and a childhood that was robbed from him by us. Michael Jackson was one of the most talented performing artists of the 20th century.
This morning, scanning the news, I see that the media are up to our old tricks.
Instead of simply celebrating the joy Jackson brought a worldwide audience, dead-tree outlets and cable bobbleheads obsess over the more tawdry and seemingly inexplicable facets of his too-short lifetime.
I once claimed that we had lynched Michael Jackson. I stand by that opinion. As surely as others close to him sucked him dry, stole his treasure, and accused him with vicious malice, we lynched him. I will miss him. We will all miss him.”
Jeff Koopersmith , an internationally renowned political consultant, opinion research authority and policy analyst.
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