Шарл Бодлер

MICHAEL JACKSON MJJ prodigy: Around the world


Even dead, Michael Jackson makes a lot of money In March 2010, almost a year after his death, Sony Music Entertainment signed a US$250 million contract with the managers of Michael Jackson's estate in order to have the distribution rights to his albums until 2017 and launch seven posthumous albums. In 2018, Forbes magazine claimed that the artist had generated $2 billion in post-mortem earnings (after his death). According to several magazines, the artist generates $75 million per year and generated 1.74 million streams in 2023. Sony Music has acquired half of Michael Jackson's catalog estimated at around $1.2 billion (up to 1.5 billion according to some Billboard sources. Even 15 years after his death, he generates a lot of money and it's not about to stop. Credit 📸:Getty Images #musicpromomedia #MPM

Hector Barjot goes deep into the “King Of Pop” compilations


„King of Pop“ е сборен албум, издаден в чест на 50-ия рожден ден на Майкъл Джексън през 2008 г.

Списъкът с песни на албума се различава в различните страни, гласувани от феновете.

Hector & William Leseney разглеждат повечето от тях чрез комбинираните си колекции и ако искате да научите повече, това е видеоклипът, който да гледате:




Michael Jackson Beat It, History World Tour 1996
J'ai trouvé cette photo sur Pinterest et j'ai amélioré la qualité moi-même du mieux que je peux le faire (photo d'origine de faible qualité et c'est impossible de dépixeliser la photo avec l'intelligence artificielle comme je le fais souvent habituellement, le résultat est trop étrange, donc je préfère éviter d'utiliser la dépixelisation pour cette photo)

Мехурчетата процъфтяват в Центъра за големи маймуни

29 Юни 2024 Г

В MJVibe често ви уведомяваме как се справя Bubbles и как да подкрепим Центъра за големи маймуни. Тъй като 25 юни току-що измина, често виждаме снимки на Майкъл с Бабъл и това е идеалният момент да го проверим.

Между другото, не сме сигурни за възрастта на Бъбълс, тъй като Центърът празнува рождения му ден през март и изчисли, че е роден през 1983 г., което го прави на 41, но някои казват, че може да е по-близо до 50, което е много възрастно за шимпанзе.

Но Бабълс все още се справя добре, той е много доволен и се отдава на дейности като наслаждаване на тунели, изграждане на гнезда под дърветата, рисуване (за което често ви разказваме) и обедна дрямка. Той също така поддържа приятелски отношения с други наематели и посетители, включително неговия ветеринарен лекар! Но все още не харесва снимки, така че дори не опитвайте!

Пати Раган, директор-основател на Центъра, също каза, че от време на време пускат музиката и видеоклиповете на Майкъл за Bubbles, но в по-късните години той изглежда не се притеснява от тях и Пати спомена „Bubbles може бавно да е избледнял по-стари спомени поради възрастта, тъй като той беше само малко дете, когато MJ го взе при себе си“

И вие можете да подкрепите Центъра за големи маймуни да се грижи за Бабълс , като дарите ТУК или подкрепите рождения ден на Бабълс ТУК


Nations Of Magic


#OnThisDay June 27th, 2009, 2 days after Michael Jackson's passing, the Jackson family released the following statement :
"During one of the darkest moments of our lives, it is difficult to find the words to match the sudden tragedy that has struck us all.
Our beloved son, brother and father of three passed away so unexpectedly, so tragically and far too soon. Leaving his family speechlessand destroyed to the point where communication with the outside world sometimes seems almost impossible.
"We miss Michael immeasurably, no words can describe our pain. "But Michael wouldn't want us to give up now. That's why we'd like to thank all his loyal subscribers and loyal fans around the world, you whom Michael loved so much.
Please don't despair, because he lives on in each and every one of you. Continue to spread his message because he would want you to. Keep going so that his legacy lives on. Joseph Jackson also says: "My grandchildren are deeply touched by all the love and support you have shown them and their father, Michael Jackson. "

MJ Beats


Michael e Jennifer, Dirty Diana Live Bad World Tour

Michael Jackson FanSquare • ITALIA AleMj Mammino


La sindaca di Glendale Elen Asatryan ha dichiarato il 25 giugno Giornata della Memoria di Michael Jackson.Maryjarca's Commendation Presented to Michael Jackson Remembrance Day June 25, 2024 In Commemoration of the 15" Anniversary of Michael Joe, Jackson's celebration of life and legacy. Il 25 giugno è un giorno di commemorazione per l'opera, il dono della sua musica e il lavoro filantropico che ha lasciato. A nome della città di Glendale, ringrazio tutti i partecipanti, i sostenitori e i fan, noti anche come moonwalker e soldati dell'amore di MJ, che viaggiano vicino e lontano per riunirsi ogni anno per onorare l'eredità di Michael Joe Jackson. La vostra incrollabile fedeltà, il vostro sostegno e l'abbellimento della nostra città e di Forest Lawn non sono passati inosservati e non vediamo l'ora che torniate ogni anno. 192. Elen Asatryan, Sindaco 25 giugno 2024💔😢😭♾️👑👏

Love Letters To Michael 2 Karen Marie


Beautiful pure magic all six six brothers together 😍❤️💜🦋🤗

Nations Of Magic


#StoryOfTheDay... On June 27, 2020, Brett Ratner recalled Michael Jackson's meeting with Phil Stern on Instagram, attaching these beautiful photos : "Michael was a big fan of photography, especially photography of Hollywood!
When I told Michael I knew the legendary photographer Phil Stern, he asked me if I'd take him home to meet him. I was surprised because MJ never wanted to leave out of the house, but he knew Phil took Marlon Brando photos and thought he'd take pictures of himself to see when Marlon was younger. I surprised Phil with a life-size photo Brando took and had him cut out on the standing cardboard he gave him. We spent the afternoon with Phil at his home going through all his archives and hearing his story behind each photo.
Phil wasn't just a great photographer, he had a great sense of humor and was one of the greatest storytellers I've ever met. MJ loved a bit of him and during that visit, he bought Phil dozens of photos of his Hollywood glory.
Phil was happy and MJ couldn't have been happier that day and he was particularly pleased with the gift Phil gave him. Michael put it in front of his bed so he could see Marlon every night before he went to sleep and after he woke up. It's the little things that mean the most. Very grateful to have spent so much time with these two incredible artists... God bless them and may they both rest in peace!
P.S. At one point, a bird flew into Phil's garden and Michael took some nuts and started feeding the bird by hand and after the bird flew away, he left some nuts on the table in case He loved animals so much. Notice that Phil put on his Rush hat for me that day!!!
He took the best pictures of me and Jackie and Chris on the rush hour set so I gave him that hat in a Thank You!
Phil was in these photos in the early 80's, and years later he asked me to organize his 95th birthday party at the VA hospital, which was his last.
They met again at a party I had at Robert Evans mansion for my book Hilhaven Lodge: The PhotoBook Pictures. Michael sat with Phil at the party and they talked for a long time. He loved and respected older people. I miss them both very much!

Sebastián Martínez


Kerry Hennigan


Dear friends in MJ... you may already be aware that some fan group pages have disappeared or not been updated on Facebook lately. I'm not sure if this is something that is happening to groups dedicated to other artists or activities, or if Michael groups have been targeted for some reason, in some cases that I know of, without an explanation that makes any sense. Please know that IF this happens to our group, it will resurface under the name of the newsletter "A Candle for Michael Newsletter." I hope that won't be necessary, because it will mean losing all our online history (some of which I rely on for writing articles, the MJ Studies Today column, and just refreshing my memory!)
Irrespective of the group's name, you all know, Michael's Maestro is still 'my man.' 😁🥰 - Kerry Hennigan



Michael Jackson's short film "GHOSTS" Kerry Hennigan


Keen Zhang

Here's video!! Just get this tribute ad on a giant screen at the New York Times Square!! Long live the king and his legacy!! You are forever !! #15YearsWithoutMichaelJackson



The Dangerous World Tour began in Munich, Germany, on June 27, 1992, and concluded in Mexico City, Mexico, on November 11, 1993, playing 69 concerts in Europe, Asia and Latin America.

MJ's LEGACY Association International


#michaeljackson Memorial Munich
MJ’s Legacy Memorial Team hat heute gemeinsam mit anderen #MJ Fans und dem Musikjournalisten Alex Gernandt (ehemals Bravo Chefredakteur), der Michael Jackson 16 mal persönlich getroffen hat, am Denkmal in München gedenkt…🌻
Michael ist und bleibt für immer in unseren Herzen ♥️♥️♥️
MJ’s Legacy e.V.
Nena & Team

Yulia Julia

  "Спомням си Майкъл Джексън, който посети зад кулисите по време на първата ми Лешникотрошачка в балета Той беше сладък и срамежлив, оп...

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