Шарл Бодлер

🥰🥰🥰🥰 #Thrillerdance #michaeljackson #halloween2022


Себастиан Мартинез


Джон Бранка: "Хората ме питат, кой беше най-големият тест, който получи от Майкъл Джексън? " Е, първият беше веднага след като ме нае, на 29 години. Той ми се обади една вечер и каза: „Бяла, имам много важен проект, трябва да се погрижиш за него. " Затова изтичах вътре и грабнах химикал, за да започна да пиша, а там пишеше "моята за пинбол машината ми е счупена" и аз казах " "", а той каза "Да, Бранка, можеш ли да ми го поправиш?. "Имах собствени машини за пинбол, знаех къде да отида, за да оправя този проблем в рамките на 48 часа. " 😂❤️



пуснете Майкъл Джексън на живо в Букурещ ОБРАБОТЕНО С ИЗПОЛЗВАНЕТО НА NPDT ПРОЦЕС [ПЪЛНО АУДИО] - Подпишете петицията!

Believe Michael Jackson Is alive Believe In Death Hoax's Clues Fans Group

Michael Jackson - Chicago 1945 (Full Demo Rework) (Official video)


Майкъл Джексън Кралят на попа


Преди 31 години, на 26 ноември 1991 г., излиза "Dangerous" на Майкъл Джексън. Емблематичен шедьовър, който все още се смята за един от най-новаторските албуми на 90-те години на миналия век и едно от най-важните издания на Джаксън. Честит рожден ден!

Студийни плъхове на Брад Сундберг Валенсия Рене Данцлер ·


Ако сте близо до Чикаго, проверете ни, не искате да пропуснете това епично събитие

Tom Hiddleston singing 'Man in the mirror' by Michael Jackson in Korea 2013 (


Студийни плъхове на Брад Сундберг

 Матю Кардър

Взех това в Twitter по-рано, интересно четиво като се има предвид какво последва👀

Наркотици, развод и Дисниленд с Майкъл Джексън:


Животът на Кори Фелдман


Vincenzo Cozzolino

 L'Italia non ha dimenticato Michael.

#Thriller40 debutta alla posizione #7 della classifica FIMI



Dangerous remembered by Teddy Riley

Breezy Forever

 Сиара намеква в публикация в IG, че вероятно е трябвало да се присъедини към Крис Браун по време на неговото изпълнение на MJ Tribute на AMA, което беше отменено.


Джулия Джулия


„Мисля, че музиката успокоява дивия звяр. Ако поставите клетки под микроскоп и включите музика, ще ги видите да се движат и да започнат да танцуват. Това въздейства на душата… Чувам музика във всичко.“ - Майкъл Джексън

👑МАЙКЪЛ ДЖЕКСЪН👑 🌻ФЕНОВЕ🌻ПО ЦЯЛИЯ СВЯТ🌍 Частен чат на принц Джаксън II


Classic R&B Soul | Earth, Wind & Fire, Al Green, Barry White, Aretha Franklin and more


The next Michael Jackson?


Марина Фантони


♥ Мемориал в чест на Майкъл Джексън в Мюнхен/Германия ♥


♫♫♫ Майкъл Джексън ♫♫♫ Спомнете си 25 ноември 1987 г. – днес преди 35 години
Майкъл е в Бризбейн, Австралия, като част от обиколката си Bad World Tour. Той изнася концерта си в Развлекателния център пред 13 500 посетители.
Снимката показва Майкъл, пристигащ в Бризбейн.

LMA © - Private Archive - Michael Jackson arrival and Cannes Red Carpet - long version - Extra Rare


Billie Jean - Michael Jackson Cover - performed by The Rare Birds Club - Best Acoustic Cover Music


♥ Мемориал в чест на Майкъл Джексън в Мюнхен/Германия ♥


Майкъл Джексън ♫
Много звезди са допринесли за началото на кариерата си на Майкъл, включително и Seryl Crow. Кариерата ѝ започва, когато Майкъл я нае като бек-ъп певец за неговото „Bad Tour“, а тя изпя дует „I Just Can't Stop Loving You“ с него. Също е удоволствие да гледате с Шерил.

Майкъл Джексън FanSquare • ИТАЛИЯ Сани Съншайн


Студийни плъхове на Брад Сундберг


Това наистина не беше първият ми избор, но пуснахме нова страница! МОЛЯ, помогнете за разпространението на новината - ще отнеме време, за да възстановим дори близо до това, което имахме на оригиналната страница. Просто не мога да играя вечно тази глупава игра на чакане с Facebook.
Елате да го проверите!!!

Sandra Decora


Пийт Бърнс (фронтмен на Dead or Alive) говори за MJ в книгата си

Ciao a tutti, vorrei ricordare il grande Pete Burns dei Dead or Alive, tra pochi giorni si celebra il suo anniversario di morte, con questa intervista su Michael Jackson. Grande Pete, lo ricordo sempre con affetto! Diverse persone mi hanno fatto notare una certa somiglianza tra i due. Cosa ne pensate?

Пол Маккартни завърши погребението на съпругата си с красива песен на Бийтълс


Певецът извади парче, което имаше голямо значение за него и останалата част от групата му, след като каза няколко прекрасни думи за жена си.

Fatima Tatti Sabàto


Michael Jackson - The Lady in My Life (Official Audio)


Where's Michael Jackson's ICONIC Thriller Jacket? Searching 'Holy Grail' Memorabilia | the detail.


Марина Фантони Колко красиви са тези танци... И тогава енергията, която ти дава!!Магично


Final trailer -Michael Jackson tribute film #michaeljacksontribute


Skeleton Jack


Michael Jackson FanSquare • ITALIA AleMj Mammino


Il 22 Novembre 2009
Michael Jackson vinse quattro American Music Awards postumi si svolsero al Nokia Theatre di Los Angeles, in California. Jermaine Jackson ha accettato e ritirò i premi per conto di Michael.
I 4 premi erano per:
Artista maschile pop/rock preferito
Album Pop/Rock preferito - Number
Artista maschile Soul/R&B preferito
Album Soul/R&B preferito - Number
Michael conquistò quattro premi su cinque nomination agli American Music Awards.
Il Re del pop, scomparso il 25 giugno 2009 a 50 anni, ricevette riconoscimenti postumi come miglior artista maschile sia nella categoria pop-rock, sia in quella soul-R&B.
In entrambe le sezioni ricevette il premio anche per il miglior album ('Number Ones').
i premi furono ritirati da Jermaine e dai suoi figli.

Wioletta Maria Gorka


23 novembre 1991 - Il singolo di Michael Jackson "Black Or White" con accompagnamento di Slash, diventa numero 1 nelle classifiche del Regno Unito.
Sotto, il video con il brano eseguito da Michael durante DWT allo Stadio di Wembley a Londra nel luglio 1992.

Cinzia Mora

 Il 24 novembre 1992 giorno di ringraziamento in America , grazie alla sua fondazione Heal the world Michael manda un aereo carico di aiuti a Sarajevo devastata dalla guerra

Qui' anche il suo discorso ❤️

👑 Michael Jackson King 👑


Jacksons Empire Yulia Julia


"It's easier for me to stay at home and dream or write songs. When I'm on stage, I relax like some people do with sports. I also love to dance. Some people like talking as a form of communication, but I prefer to talk through dancing. I often feel embarrassed and shy when it comes to speaking. Being successful for a long time hasn't made me any less of a shy person. I can sing a song about starting something with "P.Y.T." But in real life I'm too shy to make the first move. That's the magic of music. It speaks in a way that words cannot. " - Michael Jackson

Michael Jackson Fans ONLY


24th November 2009 - In Crenshaw, California, Jermaine Jackson, Louis Gossett, Jr., and numerous VIP cast members from Michael Jackson’s This Is It show, including Michael Bearden, Jonathan Moffett, Tommy Organ, Ken Stacey and Judith Hill attended the Michael Jackson Tribute Portrait event, the largest Michael Jackson homage, created and organized by Jerry Biederman and David Ilan, in association with Maryum “May May” Ali and the organization, FAMILI, Inc. (a non-profit after school enrichment/mentoring program). The portrait is supported by Jermaine Jackson, artists, Diana Ross, Gladys Knight, George Lopez, Adam Lambert, Mickey Rooney, Vivica A. Fox, Floyd Mayweather, Jr. and many others, and the list is growing, the portrait being created by only dots, each dot representing a real admirer. Sixty children from inner city schools walked the red carpet with Jermaine Jackson and VIP cast members from This Is It, and watched a special screening of the film at the Magic Johnson Theatre for Michael Jackson, for the charity event in celebration of the tribute portrait.
Session vocalist and backing vocalist, Ken Stacey, declared: “Michael was all about lifting people up, so this is wonderful. Above all, Michael was a man – a man, who took his God given gifts and his dreams, honored them with a drive and determination few can match, and created for the world a gift of L.O.V.E. His art was his heart! I pray his story inspires many to reach for the heights of their own potential, and, perhaps, change the world as Michael has.” Music supervisor, Michael Bearden, adds that “MJ loved the kids, and kids loved him. This would have been great to him. MJ was not just my boss, he was my friend. His legacy of music and L.O.V.E. will live forever in my heart and in the hearts and souls of the universe.” Jonathan Moffett, drummer from ‘This Is It, said’: “Michael would be very excited. He was a child inside and so he related very much to children. He had a great passion for kids and the youth, so I think he would be very excited about this gathering on his behalf – and mainly for the children’s’ sake, to let them have a good day celebrating his legacy.” American actor, Louis Gossett, Jr., declared that “I think he would be thrilled – anything for the children. Children need some positive input.”
“His vision and message to the world was always about helping people and he had such a big heart for the children. Watching his life, how he gave to so many charities, constantly helping underprivileged and handicapped children – he just had a really big heart. I am honored to be here to support and let his vision live on.”, American singer, Judith Hill, declares. Maryum “May May” Ali, the daughter of boxing legend Muhammad Ali, worked with Torre Reese, the director of FAMILI, Inc., to bring the Michael Jackson This Is It screening to fruition: “I think this is a wonderful event connecting kids. Michael Jackson was a young African-American boy that had passion and loved what he did. He grew up and perfected what he did. I think this is an excellent tribute to him, and a way to connect these kids with a way of encouraging them to find their passion – to become strong and committed to what they want to do in life, and to try to be the best, like Michael. It is a wonderful part of his legacy. It is great that the artwork is kind of symbolic of Michael transcending everyone and connecting to everyone. These children can be part of that by being a part of this picture. It goes full circle. Unfortunately, a legend has passed, a man has passed – someone who loved the world and children. This tribute is a great thing. For the most part, I hope the kids understand that Michael was connected and had a passion for life and for what he wanted to do. I want the children to find their passion as well”, said Ali.
In an interview, two children who walked the red carpet with some of the cast members of ‘This Is It’ discussed what Michael Jackson meant to them. One young man said: “Michael Jackson meant the world to me because I understand what he was trying to do. He was trying to make the world a better place with all the discrimination and hatred that exists. All he wanted to do was to make everyone feel equal, and the world a better place.” Another young man said: “I want to be a singer and musician when I grow up and Michael Jackson inspired me because he had his own style: the moonwalk, how he did his spins – all of that. He inspired me to go for my dreams no matter what. The media wanted to make him seem like he was a bad person and he’s not. That inspired me and I think he is a very good person.”
Jermaine Jackson endorsed the tribute and had this to say to the present inner city children at the event: “[…] It is so important (to come together), because this time in our life there’s so much going on in the world, and I think you, guys, are the leaders of tomorrow, which I know you are, and you can make this world a better place, so it’s important to love and stay away from the streets. […] There’s a place for tough people and bad people, so we want you to use this time to get the skills and to learn and to educate. […] Just to let you know, we’re in this world to make a difference and Michael’s blessed; at the same time, he had family, and to be born in a house the size of a 2-car garage and one bathroom, and to become the icon of the world, it tells you in life you (have to) stay focused and you want to do something in life that you, guys, have it. You haveit. […] It’s okay to be square, that would save your life. It’s not important to be hip, because you’re gonna end up in the wrong circles. So, I’m saying to you that you all have an opportunity to be who you want to be. Look, we have a black President today, but not because he’s black. He was great, he is smart (…).”

Nations Of Magic · Grammy Awards, New York, March 1988


Antonino Filippo Fazzino


Un anno senza lo zio Manu ❤️
Ciao zio, già è passato un anno da quando ci hai lasciato, lasciandomi col brutto compito di darne la notizia alla tua nipotina Cetty e a tutto il fansquare.
Si, perché lo zio non voleva che chi lo conosceva qui si preoccupasse per lui, voleva tornare e dire a tutti : " eccomi, sono qui e sto bene".
Impossibile per me dimenticare il nostro unico incontro a Napoli per l' MJDAY. Il caffè , la birra , quei passi di danza assieme. I tuoi racconti...puuuu quante me ne hai raccontate , e le foto che non volevi che ti scattassi e te li rubavo ,e mai avrei potuto immaginare una foto del genere, come se Michael ti accompagnasse. E poi.. e poi quell'abbraccio forte, talmente forte che sembrava come se non ci dovessimo vedere più. Sembrava.
Per chi non avuto il piacere di conoscere lo zio Manu...beh, lo zio Manu era l'amico che ognuno vorrebbe al proprio fianco, l'uomo che desidera ogni donna. Era Mc Fly, lo zio , alcuni lo chiamavano il nuovo Troisi. Amava Michael Jackson e come lui si sentiva uno " straniero a mosca " . E quanti racconti ha scritto su la musica di Michael mettendo dentro molti di noi...Di fatto amava la scrittura e scriveva benissimo, sono sicuro che se Coelho l'avesse conosciuto lo avrebbe definitivo il " guerriero della luce" si perché Il guerriero della luce è colui che è capace di comprendere il miracolo della vita. E la battaglia del guerriero è la vita stessa.
Ciao zio ❤️ — с/ъс Emanuele Mosca.

Marco Ruggeri

 Certo è che quelli che hanno gestito la celebrazione di Thriller devono essere limitati forte. E li pagano pure.

Tra questi fenomeni nessuno che abbia pensato di riprodurre per il merchandise le t shirts di Beat It, anziche le cinesate con grafica da copisteria universitaria. Che poi, oltre a quelle fantastiche di Michael ce ne sono di belle da attingere anche tra i ballerini/comparse.

Vittoria Moccia


Da quando John Branca, co-esecutore testamentario di Michael Jackson, si è unito a Instagram e TikTok a novembre, hanno iniziato a fioccare altisonanti video-annunci rivolti ai fan del Re del Pop.
L’ultimo di questi risale ad alcune ore fa e riguarda i tanto desiderati musei dedicati a MJ, che finalmente sembrano rientrare tra le priorità assolute dell’Estate.
Nel VIDEO, sottotitolato in ITALIANO, Branca svela i luoghi in cui potenzialmente questi progetti potranno realizzarsi, spiegando i motivi dell’esclusione del Neverland Ranch come sede degli stessi e riconfermando che l’attesissimo biopic è in pieno corso d’opera.

Jacksons Empire Yulia Julia


Sadly, sadly, we live in a state of fear. Everyday we hear of war on the news, on the radio and television and the newspapers, always of war. We hear of nations hurting each other, of neighbours hurting each other, of families hurting each other and the children killing each other. We must learn to live and love each other before it’s too late. We have to stop! We have to stop the prejudice, we have to stop the hating, we have to stop living in fear of our own neighbours. I would like all of you now to take the hand of the person to the left and to the right. Go ahead! Right now! I mean it! Don’t be shy! Do it! It starts now! To the person next to you. To the left and the right. I mean it. Right now! Go ahead! Don’t be shy. Do it! Do it! Now, tell the person ... tell the person next to you that you care for them. Tell them that you care for them. Tell them that you love them. Tell them that you love them. This is what makes the difference. Together we can make a change of the world. Together we can help to stop racism. Together we can help to stop prejudice. We can help the world live without fear. It’s our only hope, without hope we are lost. - Michael Jackson #michaeljackson


After the show I would run into Rose Fine’s room. We’d read and have warm milk and I needed that so badly. She would always say to me, “The door’s open”, and she would leave her door open. She called me her son. Whenever you go on the plane, you see these seven little black kids and a black father, all got big Afros, and this old white Jewish woman would be in the back. They would stop her and go, "Who are you?" She would say, "I´m the mother." She would say it every time and they would let her go. Sweet story. She was special. I needed her. - Michael Jackson

1993: Madonna at Michael Jackson Concert in Mexico


Нации на магията




Is the Thriller 40 Documentary finished?

Мichael Jackson Fans ONLY


23rd November 1991 - Michael Jackson had his fourth UK #1 single with ‘Black or White’ which featured Slash on guitar. Also a #1 hit in the US. “Black or White” is the lead single from Michael Jackson’s Dangerous album, released in November, 11 1991. “Black or White” is a mix of rock, and dance-pop.
Written, composed, and arranged by Jackson with the rap lyrics by Bill Bottrell, it is a song that promotes racial harmony. The song’s introduction and main riff are performed by guitarist Slash and Bill Bottrell. “Black or White” made an extraordinary and amazing debut in the UK, where it became the first single by an American to go into the singles chart at #1 since 1960, when “It’s Now Or Never” by Elvis Presley did in the same manner.
The single also stormed into Billboard’s Hot 100 at #35. A week later it shot up to #3 and on its third week, December 7, 1991, it ascended to #1, making it the fastest chart topper since the Beatles’ “Get Back” in 1969. It achieved the year at #1, and remained at the top of the singles chart into 1992, for a total of 7 weeks, making Michael Jackson the first artist to get #1 popular hits in the 1970s, 1980s and 1990s.
Around the world, Black Or White hit #1 in 22 countries including US, UK, Mexico, Cuba, Zimbabwe, Australia, New Zealand, Austria, Belgium, Denmark, Finland, France, Israel, Italy, Norway, Spain, Sweden, Switzerland and the Euro Chart Hot 100 and #2 in Germany and #3 in Holland. It reached #1 on many singles charts in 1991.
The single was certified platinum in the US, selling over one million copies as well as becoming the second-best selling single of 1991. Actually, the hard rock “Black or White” is considered one of the greatest rock songs of the 1990s and the meaning behind the lyrics is rock solid in this song.

Yulia Julia

  "Спомням си Майкъл Джексън, който посети зад кулисите по време на първата ми Лешникотрошачка в балета Той беше сладък и срамежлив, оп...

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