As a child psychologist with over 20 years’ experience working in more crisis /abuse scenarios than I care to recall, I can assure you that simply participating in what amounted to 'sleepovers' is no evidence of pedophiliac behavior. Contrary to what most people assume about pedophiles, the overriding personality trait they demonstrate is not their interest in children - but their spectacular disinterest.
They are unable to perceive a child as being anything more than something to be used and dispensed with. This disinterest cannot be masked, it is part of the intrinsic make-up of child predators. There are no 'ifs' and 'buts' with this. Michael Jackson, far from using children, clearly felt great affection and concern for them. He may have over-identified with them, but he did not present as a molester to any social worker or child specialist I have come across.
There isn't a pedophile in the world with a track record of public works that Jackson had. He also clearly lavished healthy love and affection on his own children. The lack of corroborating evidence in 1993 and again in 2005, the lack of incriminating evidence over a 10 year period from the FBI investigation casts serious - if not fatal doubts, on the authenticity of both the accusations and the accusers themselves...
It was a clear case of "well he's odd so he must be guilty."
Source: The Daily Beast blogs

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