Mr. Toshio Takaya, who was a personal chef for Michael Jackson during BAD Japan Tour 1987, visited to see my Limited Edition “Timeless MJ” at the Exhibition!!!![✨](https://static.xx.fbcdn.net/images/emoji.php/v9/tf4/1/16/2728.png)
This is not the first time to met him, but when we meet each other, he always told me a lot of memories with Michael - As a chef, he have much “special” moments with Michael at that time. As a MJ fan, it's always wonderful to hear those stories from him - I'm so appreciate this opportunity!!
Now I know what was Michael's favorite dishes during Japan Tour![🇯🇵](https://static.xx.fbcdn.net/images/emoji.php/v9/t76/1/16/1f1ef_1f1f5.png)
Thank you so much for your kindness as always - See you soon!!!![✨](https://static.xx.fbcdn.net/images/emoji.php/v9/tf4/1/16/2728.png)
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1987年の来日公演中、マイケルの専属シェフを務められた 高谷敏雄 さんが、現在展示中のマイケルの肖像画 “Timeless MJ” を見にブリット展へ来て下さいました!!!![✨](https://static.xx.fbcdn.net/images/emoji.php/v9/tf4/1/16/2728.png)
思いがけない “サプライズ” 、心の底から嬉しかったです![😊](https://static.xx.fbcdn.net/images/emoji.php/v9/t7f/1/16/1f60a.png)
そして、この素晴らしい機会を作って下さった 板越 久子 さん、本当にありがとうございました![✨](https://static.xx.fbcdn.net/images/emoji.php/v9/tf4/1/16/2728.png)
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