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Why is Michael Jackson’s BAD TOUR: His Greatest Tour | ICONIC


Майкъл Джексън

 В история за Buzzfeed Матю Перпетуа пише: „Демото на A Capella на Майкъл Джексън за „Beat It“ е най-доброто доказателство, че той е бил гений. Хипнотизиращо е. Той е красив сам по себе си, но също така е изключително ценен с това, че ни дава представа как Джаксън е написал и аранжирал толкова много хитови песни сам.”

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27th January 1984 - Filming of the second Pepsi commercial "Concert" concluded at the Los Angeles Shrine Auditorium.
Real terror struck during the filming when a spark from the bombs [for pyrotechnical effects] set his hair on fire. Michael suffered second and third degree scalp burns.
At 6:00 PM, director Bob Giraldi called for another take of the scene with Michael dancing down the staircase. This was the last scene to be shot after four days of filming. Michael stood at his spot at the top of the stairs, and was told to stand there until the bombs went off this time, then make his descent. So after the pyrotechnics went off, Michael began to dance down the stairs. Suddenly he cried out in pain. A spark from the lightning effects had set his hair on fire. He pulled his jacket up over his head to try to put out the flames. Mass confusion followed. Fans and extras used in the audience were horrified as were his brothers and the crew. Jermaine initially thought Michael had been shot!
The first to reach Michael to help was his personal secretary, Miko Brando, Marlon Brando's son, who quickly extinguish the flames, possibly saving the singer's life. Miko did smother the flames with his hands and suffered burns on his own fingers trying to put out the flames in Michael's hair. A fan from the audience applied an ice pack on the burn.
Michael was rushed to the emergency room of Cedar Sinai Medical Center and was later moved to Brotman Memorial Hospital for treatment. Having been told a barrage of reporters and photographers awaited his arrival at the hospital, Michael told the ambulance attendants that he wanted to wear his glove when he was wheeled into the hospital. Somewhat badly burned, television news was on alert as Jackson was hospitalized overnight, footage of him being rushed from the ambulance on a stretcher – head bandaged, faced covered, hand glitter-gloved – played at regular intervals, an image that became as much a part of his legend as any of his staged performances.
Michael had suffered a palm sized second degree burn on the back of his head with a smaller third degree burn the size of a half dollar at the center. It was a serious burn that reportedly could have burned through his scalp and killed him. Michael at first refused any pain killers due to his strong disapproval of any drugs. Later, he did give in to the extreme pain and accepted medication.

Michael jackson is INNOCENT 🇩🇪 🇹🇷 Üzeyir Özkan


#OnThisDay January 27, 1984. #MichaelJackson's hair caught fire while shooting a Pepsi commercial at the Shrine Auditorium in Los Angeles, in front of an audience of 3,000, assembled to create the concert environment, Michael was dancing to his hit “Billie Jean.”
During the sixth take for the commercial, he apparently veered too close to a pyrotechnics display, which had gone off a bit too early. He was set ablaze by the fireworks, suffering second-degree burns to his scalp and losing some of his hair. His jacket also caught on fire.
Michael Jackson’s brothers quickly helped to extinguish the flames and Michael seen by his fans with his scalp glowing and smoke billowing from his head.
Following the incident, Michael Jackson, his head bandaged and seen smiling even as he was in pain, was rushed to Cedars-Sinai Medical Center. There he was treated and declared out of mortal danger, but the singer was then transferred by ambulance to Brotman Memorial Hospital Burn Center in Culver City, California.
It was later determined that the pomade Michael Jackson used in his hair was the culprit, catching fire when he neared the fireworks. Still, regardless of the cause, Jackson underwent treatment to hide the scars and had his third nose job shortly thereafter.
It was later reported that the pain Michael Jackson suffered on his scalp from the burns was prolonged and led to his prescription pill addiction. His hair never grew back properly either.
There would, of course, also be legal action. Pepsi settled out of court with Michael Jackson and donated the $1.5 million payment to the Brotman Medical Center. The Michael Jackson Burn Center was subsequently named in his honor.

Michael Jackson our beautiful angel


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Препоръка на фен… (И най-добрият урок по мъдрост, който човек може да намери)
В деня, когато беше обявено, че е починал, аз като толкова много други бях зашеметен, шокиран, просто се опитвах да погълна всичко. Умът ми беше като топка за пинг-понг, опитваща се да обработи новините. Ще говорят ли за обвиненията? Ще говорят ли за децата му? Ще кажат ли истината? Каква беше истината??? Изведнъж ми се прииска да знам ИСТИНАТА, не телевизионна версия на говорещите глави, а моята собствена. Продължих да виждам видение на Майкълв червена риза, казвайки "Моля, не ме съдете, докато не ме опознаете." Бях буквално принуден до компютъра си, внезапно имах нужда да знам всичко, което мога да науча за Майкъл Джексън. Истината! Отне ми само един час търсене в интернет, за да разбера, когато избухнах в ридания… никога не бях познавала Майкъл Джексън и сега беше твърде късно. Тежестта на това кой беше той започна да потъва. Разгледах очите му и видях доброта и красота. Слушах го и гледах неговата нежност, състрадание и любов към децата. Гледах го как обича пренебрегнатите, болни, наранени хора… хора като мен. Нямаше как да не забележа нежните му прегръдки и чувствителните жестове на насърчение, любов и доброта. Почувствах се толкова зле и толкова засрамен. След като видях очите на тези, които злоупотребяват, разбрах с голяма сигурност, че Майкъл Джексън е най-далечното нещо на тази планета от "това". Само ако бях потърсил истината по-рано, всичко, което можех да си помисля, беше „О, Господи! Той беше невинен! През цялото това време той беше невинен! Мили Боже, прости ми! Прости ни!" След това, разбира се, научаването какъв невероятен баща е той и чуването на Парис да говори за нейния татко на Мемориала беше цялото доказателство, от което някой някога се нуждаеше, за да види какво невероятно човешко същество е той.
Оттогава прочетох всичко за Майкъл Джексън, до което можах да се докопам, някои книги по два пъти, купища списания, статии, интернет и благодаря на Бог за You Tube. Истината е някъде там. Просто трябва да имате отворен ум и да внимавате с клеветниците. Те все още съществуват. Имам тази ненаситна нужда да компенсирам изгубеното време… но в същото време изпитвам силна скръб, знаейки, че той си е отишъл от тази земя… какво можеше да бъде? Няма да имаме шанса да го видим отново на сцената. Никога няма да видим следващия му проект да се осъществи перфектно... но тогава той е дал толкова много. Той даде повече, отколкото всеки един човек изглеждаше способен да даде. Откъде дойде всичко това? Бог просто живееше в и чрез този велик човек, тъй като той подражаваше на Исус Христос и не се срамуваше да отдаде заслуженото на Бог.
- Фен

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