Шарл Бодлер

What Are The 3 Highest Selling Michael Jackson Items That Have Sold At Auction? (What I Want To Own)


♥ Memorial in honour of Michael Jackson in Munich/Germany ♥

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#MichaelJackson #Thriller40 schon in aller Munde! Was gab es Neues' - What's up! Thriller 40 is already on everyone's lips
Music in the ’80s
Die amerikanische Fotografin Lyn Goldsmith - mittlerweile 76 Jahre alt - hat nun einen Fotoband über ihre Portraitaufnahmen mit vielen bekannten Musikgrößen heraus. Darunter sind auch einige von Michael Jackson. In diesem Buch erinnert sie sich wie sie Michael Jackson zum ersten Male traf. Sein Manager brachte sie in ein Aufnahmestudio, um zu sehen, wie der Popstar sie reagieren würde. "Michael und ich teilten den Wunsch, fünf oder sechs Jahre alt zu sein, also haben wir einfach gut zusammen gespielt", sagte sie. "Ich wurde eingestellt. Ich erinnere mich, dass Michael bei allen Auftritten von sein Bestes gab. Jeden Atemzug, denn ich denke, auf der Bühne war er sich selbst am meisten. Der Schweiß, alles an Michaels Auftritten, drehte sich ganz um ihn. Ich fotografierte aus der Sicht eines Fans."
The American photographer Lyn Goldsmith - now 76 years old - has published a photo book about her portraits with many well-known music greats. Among them are some of Mchael Jackson. In this book, she recalls how she first met Michael Jackson. The first time Goldsmith met Michael Jackson, his manager took her to a recording studio to see how the pop star would react to the photographer. “Michael and I shared a desire to be five or six years old, so we just played well together,” she said. “I was hired. I remember all of Michael’s performances being ones where he’s giving his best, every breathing moment, because I think that is where he was most. The sweat, everything about Michael’s performances, was totally about him. I shoot from the point of view of a fan."
Offizielle Filmdoku zu Thriller40 - Official Documentary #Thriller40
Zum 40-jährigen Jubiläum von Michael Jacksons „Thriller“ verspricht die neue offizielle Dokumentation bislang in den Archiven vergrabene Bilder von den Aufnahmen des Hit-Albums. Das Making-Of-Projekt wurde bereits von Sony Music in Auftrag gegeben und wird zurzeit gedreht. Es wird von Musikhistoriker und Regisseur Nelson George inszeniert. Der Regisseur Nelson George, hatte bereits im Januar 1984 eine Biografie über MJ veröffentlicht. „The Michael Jackson Story“ taufte der damals 26-jährige Musikjournalist sein Werk, das sich über eine Million Mal verkauft hatte und das auf den 3. Platz der meistverkauften Taschenbücher von der New York Times landete. "Mein Leben, und in geringem Maße wäre die schwarze Popkultur ohne mein Buch und, was noch viel wichtiger ist, ohne Michaels Aufstieg zum Megastar, anders gewesen“, schrieb Nelson George rückblickend in seinem 2011 erschienen Buch „Thriller: The Musical Life of Michael Jackson“ . Sony Music Entertainment vertreibt den Film. Colin Hanks und Sean Stuart von Company Name fungieren als Produzenten. John Branca und John McClain sind als Executive Producer. Es ist die vierte neue Dokumentation zu #Thriller. Dazu gehört auch #SonicFantasy.
To commemorate the 40-year anniversary of Michael Jackson’s revolutionary Thriller album, the Estate of Michael Jackson and Sony Music Entertainment are celebrating the artistic vision that anchored Thriller with a new official documentary. Directed by journalist, music historian, and filmmaker Nelson George, the film which is currently in production takes fans back in time to the making of the record-breaking album and release of revolutionary short films. Featuring never-before-seen footage and candid interviews, the as yet untitled documentary chronicles thepoint in Jackson’s career that launched the singer into mega-stardom and created a pop culture phenomenon that is woven through the culture and continues to influence the worlds of music, television, dance, fashion and more to this day. Sony Music Entertainment is distributing the film. Colin Hanks and Sean Stuart from Company Name serve as producers. John Branca and John McClain serve as Executive Producers.
What A Lovely Way To Go
Unveröffentlichter Track für Thriller 40 bestätigt!! Der Track, der am 7. Oktober 2022 angekündigt wurde, ist "What A Lovely Way To Go", ursprünglich von Michael Jackson in den späten 1970er Jahren geschrieben, aber von ihm selbst für das Thriller-Album überarbeitet. Der Estate of Michael Jackson haben ihn später Mark Ronson übergeben, um ihn auf dem Album Michael (2010) zu veröffentlichen, aber er war letztendlich nicht enthalten. Ronson bestätigte damals, dass "es definitiv Michael ist, der da singt. Sie gaben mir einen Gesang, mit dem ich arbeiten konnte (... ) Er ist wie Elton Johns "Goodbye Yellow Brick Road" oder John Lennons "Imagine"."
Unreleased confirmed for Thriller 40!! The track announced on October 7th, 2022, to be on #Thriller40 is 'What A Lovely Way To Go', originally written by Michael in the late 1970s, but revised by himself for the Thriller album. The Estate have handed it over to Mark Ronson to produce and publish on the album Michael (2010), but it was ultimately not included. Ronson confirmed at the time that “it’s definitely him singing. They gave me a vocals to work with (... ) It's like Elton John's "Goodbye Yellow Brick Road" or John Lennon's "Imagine"."
Ursprünge von #Thriller in Germany
Der ehemalige Bravo-Redakteur #AlexGernandt schreibt gerade ein Buch über Michael Jackson, dass bei Klartext Ende Oktober herauskommen wird. Und er verrät dass die Ursprünge von Michael Jackson's Thriller in Worms in Deutschland entstanden als Rod Temperton in den Anfängen der 70er Jahre in Deutschland weilte.
Former Bravo editor #AlexGernandt is currently writing a book about Michael Jackson that will be published by Klartext at the end of October. And he reveals that the origins of Michael Jackson's Thriller originated in Worms in Germany when Rod Temperton was in Germany in the early 70s.
Dear Michael
Marcos Cabotá Samper - Regisseur des unglaublichen Dokumentarfilms über Thriller "Sonic Fantasy" - twitterte vor kurzem, dass der spanische Filmregisseur Bover Palma am 29. Oktober 2022 auf dem Filmfestival "In- Edit" Kurzfilmfestival in Barcelona (Spanien) seinen Kurzfilm "Dear Michael" vorstellen wird. Marcos Cabota: " Vor einem Jahr fragte mich mein Freund Bover, einen Brief an Michael zu schreiben. Ich tat es."
Marcos Cabotá Samper - director of the incredible documentary about Thriller naming "Sonic Fantasy" - recently tweeted that Spanish film director Bover Palma will present his short film "Dear Michael" on October 29, 2022 at the "In-Edit" Short Film Festival in Barcelona (Spain). Marcos Cabota: "A year ago, my Freind Bover asked me to write a letter to Michael. I did." #InEditFestival.

Michael Jackson Fans ONLY


9th October 2005 - Michael go to Madame Tussaud wax museum with the kids, Raymone, Grace & Prince Abdullah.
Michael Jackson pleased fans and tourists in London (UK) for the second day running and caused pandemonium at Madame Tussaud's on Sunday evening. He was enthusiastically welcomed by a crowd of fans at the world-famous attraction when he arrived with his three children.
Michael, wearing a black suit, matching shirt and dark glasses, then walked through the crowd of fans, shielding his eyes from camera flashes, and into the building.
Large numbers of staff from Madame Tussaud's were waiting inside the building to greet the famous visitor.

THREATENED - Michael Jackson - But every lyric is an AI generated image (Nick* Remix)







Мурад Меселати


Неговите години на блясък, далеч от ада, който са му подготвили💔

Това никога повече няма да се случи! Кралят беше коронован за един път!

AleMj Mammino


9 Ottobre HAPPY35th birthday to Timor🎂💙 Steffens.Divenne famoso e conosciuto per essere stato nel cast di ballerini che avrebbe dovuto esibirsi con Michael Jackson nel suo ultimo tour This is it.Ballerino e coreografo olandese.
Parlando di Michael disse:Michael Jackson, Maestro Surreale»
Nella sua carriera il segno più grande l’ha lasciato indubbiamente Michael Jackson, con il quale ha avuto l’onore di ballare. Indimenticabili i momenti condivisi con il re del pop durante il suo tour 'This Is It', annullato per la sua prematura scomparsa. «Si prendeva dei rischi, e non tutte le persone sono in grado o hanno la pazienza e il cuore per farlo. Era duro con se stesso finché non raggiungeva il livello per lui perfetto», confessò Timor a LetteraDonna.
Mia madre era una grande fan di Michael Jackson e insieme guardavamo tutti i suoi concerti in tivù. Mi hanno influenzato da subito, fin da piccolo. Quando lei era felice spesso ballava: da allora ho sempre associato la danza al senso di libertà.
Lavorare con lui è stata un’esperienza surreale. Abbiamo condiviso dei momenti indimenticabili. Come direttore musicale, coreografo e performer era veramente inestimabile. Era un perfezionista e non era mai soddisfatto.
: Quale suo consiglio porta nel cuore?
Lascia che la musica ti guidi, senza fretta. Era molto attento a ciò che accadeva nel mondo e a come ognuno dovrebbe trattare l’altro. Secondo Michael ciascuno avrebbe dovuto essere grato per le opportunità che aveva e per le scelte di ogni giorno, perché ci sono molti bambini che non hanno queste possibilità.
Jackson ha rivoluzionato la musica. Secondo lei geniali si nasce o ci si diventa con lo studio e la determinazione?Credo nella unione di entrambi. Ci sono alcune persone che hanno molto talento e non hanno bisogno di studiare per raggiungere determinati obbiettivi. Altre persone, invece, si impegnano molto per fare grandi cose. Io credo che MJ avesse tantissimo talento e un’etica del lavoro pazzesca.
Michael Jackson come persona
Era un uomo molto modesto, timido e puro.
Quando lo vedevi sul palco, mentre faceva le sue mosse e faceva le sue cose,
pensavi: "Wow!" È tutto molto spettacolare!
Ma di persona era un uomo dolce e tenero.❤

Michael Jackson Official Group

  https://youtu.be/GGwWaVS7QPo?si=sxtEseTkSfGOKWHG Happy Birthday to Michael Jackson . Thank you for sharing your gift with the world and f...

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