Шарл Бодлер

Francesca De Donatis


«Come se i doni di natura e il talento speciale non fossero sufficienti, hai anche cercato di rendere il mondo un posto migliore attraverso numerosi sforzi umanitari e filantropici». ❤️
La Laurea 'ad honorem' da parte dell'Università di Oxford, che abbiamo ricordato pochi giorni fa, non è stata l'unica conferita a Michael Jackson.
Già 13 anni prima, quell'onore gli era stato riservato dalla Fisk University, insieme ad un alto riconoscimento per il suo impegno di garantire un futuro a centinaia di studenti afro-americani.
Accadeva 35 anni fa, a New York, all'indomani dei 3 strepitosi concerti al 'Madison Square Garden' che avevano contribuito a finanziare il 'Michael Jackson Scholarship Fund' dell'UNCF.
Tutti i dettagli, nel post in Pagina. 🎓👇

Il 10 marzo 1988, presso lo Sheraton Hotel di New York, la UNCF (United Negro College Fund) onorava Michael Jackson con il più alto riconoscimento previsto dall'organizzazione, il 'Frederick D. Petterson Award', per la generosità e l'impegno costante da lui dimostrati nel sostenere finanziariamente gli studenti di Università e College storicamente afro-americani (HBCU).
A consegnargli il premio, intitolato a colui che aveva fondato l'UNCF nel 1944, fu il Dr. Mabel McLeon, Presidente dello "Scotia College di Barber" sito in Concord (North Carolina), nonché Presidente dei Direttori delle istituzioni aderenti all'UNCF:
«Attraverso i tuoi sforzi per migliorare la conoscenza, per combattere la fame nel mondo, per aiutare i bambini malati terminali, per ispirare i giovani, hai dimostrato come prendersi cura degli altri, condividere, e avere il coraggio di dare una mano, sia ciò che è veramente giusto».
In un messaggio a sorpresa precedentemente registrato, perfino l'allora Presidente degli Stati Uniti, Ronald Reagan, volle congratularsi con Michael per quel prestigioso riconoscimento:
«Sono rimasto particolarmente colpito per il tuo coinvolgimento con la The T.J. Martell Foundation, il 'Camp Good Times' per i bambini che lottano contro il cancro, e l'UNCF, un ente di beneficenza nel quale mia moglie Nancy ed io siamo stati impegnati in prima persona per anni. [...]
La tua collaborazione con l'UNCF contribuirà a compiere ancora più bene nel mondo... che Dio ti benedica».
Nella stessa occasione, Michael ricevette anche una Laurea 'honoris causa' in Lettere Umane dalla Fisk University, l'Istituto HCBU di Nashville.
Queste le parole del Presidente dell'Istituto, Henry Ponder, al momento della consegna del titolo:
«Come se i tuoi doni di natura e il tuo talento speciale non fossero sufficienti, hai anche cercato di rendere il mondo un posto migliore attraverso numerosi sforzi umanitari e filantropici.
Con 'We Are The World', una canzone che hai scritto insieme a Lionel Richie, hai toccato il cuore di centinaia di migliaia di persone, e hai incoraggiato gli sforzi internazionali per sradicare la fame nel mondo».
A conclusione dell'evento, Curresia McFarland ed Ellis Staten, due beneficiari delle borse di studio del 'Michael Jackson Scholarship Fund', istituito quattro anni prima, presentarono al Re del Pop un libro di lettere di ringraziamento da parte di tutti gli studenti iscritti ai College afro-americani e sostenuti proprio dalle sue donazioni.
E ancora oggi, a quasi 14 anni dalla sua prematura scomparsa, centinaia di studenti universitari devono al suo nome e al suo sostegno la possibilità di proseguire il loro percorso formativo ad alti livelli.
Post di Francesca De Donatis e foto di Eric Di Scenza dal nostro Gruppo privato Michael Jackson FanSquare • ITALIA.



Steve Barron remembers “Billie Jean” in his memoires

Tiziano Melani Paris come suo padre . Infatti ama i tour 😂😂😂



Kerry Hennigan · Upcoming MJ the Musical London Announcement + Fan Ticket Access

 Tomorrow, Friday, March 10th a press release will go out with details about performance dates for the West End production of MJ the Musical. The announcement will also call out a fan pre-sale for those who sign up for the London newsletter (which we encourage you to sign up for) BUT….

What isn’t in the press release is that the Estate made special arrangements for fans on our MJ Online email distribution list to get even earlier private access to purchase tickets for the West End performance dates - before any other pre-sale opportunities the newsletter subscribers or the general public will have!
We will share the details about the early ticket access to the West End production of MJ the Musical as we get closer to the on-sale date and in the meantime, you can sign up for other updates at MJtheMusical.com under the heading "Newsletter" in the menu and click "London".
Thank you for your support of the legacy of Michael Jackson and MJ the Musical
Chuck - MJ Online Team

Üzeyir Özkan


OnThisDay March 9, 2001. #MichaelJackson was in Sulden, Italy,
from Friday March 9-11, 2001. Michael Jackson arrived in Sulden,
late in the afternoon. A Mercedes with tinted windows brings him from Innsbruck, where his private jet has landed from London.
He is accompanied by Frank Cascio. His advisors Lee Myong-Ho and Kelly Kathleen arrived shortly before.
Frank says, "As important as Heal The Kids is, we had other business to attend to in Europe. The day before the speech, while we were still in London, I got a phone call from Myong-Ho, Michael's business advisor, who wanted us to meet with a European media mogul, Jürgen Todenhöfer, in the Italian Alps. As Prince and Paris were not on the trip, Michael only wanted to meet them in New York. But this meeting was probably very important, because instead of going home, we found ourselves on a mountain road that never stopped climbing, in a region where spring had a hint of winter and where the villages, more and more isolated, seemed frozen in time.
Michael was staying in a private residence booked by the German Todenhöfer, but his staff had to be accommodated in the hotel. Paul Hanny, the city's representative, who knows everything that goes on there, and Todenhöfer's trusted man, was caught off guard by the artist's arrival. "I was asked at the last moment to reserve a dozen individual rooms in the best places in town," Hanny told the "Dolomiten" (local newspaper). All of Sulden's rooms were mostly already booked, but "it's my job to do the craziest stuff," says Hanny .
As soon as he arrives in the Italian mountains, Michael is faced with a problem: his foot, in a cast, is in great pain and the only doctor in the village has to be called.
Dr. Raffaella Ortler Stocker explains, "I didn't expect this type of patient." On Friday, the doctor, who has her practice in the village, receives a call for a medical examination. "I knew there was a famous guest, but I didn't think it was Michael Jackson, a singer I like a lot. It was a very quick exam. The artist had a broken ankle and was in a cast; he was in a lot of pain, probably caused by the stress, the fatigue of the flight and the car journey from Innsbruck. I prescribed him some pills to ease the pain. I exchanged a few words with him, with the little English I had learned at school. He was a normal patient for me, but honestly, I must say that I was very happy, because in front of me I had a great artist who addressed me nicely. He was shy, he seemed fragile and he was concerned about everything. He wanted to know if there were any skiing accidents, and if any children had also been injured while skiing. He was afraid of catching a cold from the cold. He seemed very lonely to me.
Michael rested for a while and then went down to dinner that night with his hosts.
"When it was time for dinner, we changed. I changed into a black suit and Michael chose an apple green shirt, black pants and a black sports jacket. And sunglasses, which he eventually removed.
The dinner was long and convivial, and Michael was in rare form. Usually very shy, he discussed all sorts of subjects with the guests sitting at the big table. We talked about meditation, soccer and music. In the middle of the meal, a family of local artists came to treat us to traditional folk music from their village. They seemed to come straight out of a fairy tale, like characters from the Brothers Grimm's gingerbread house," says Frank Cascio.
This group of local artists is in fact the group La Zag, surprised themselves by the presence of Michael. The band members remember: "On March 9, 2001, we were invited to Solda (a well-known ski and climbing resort in South Tyrol) to play at the table of a mysterious host. His identity was not revealed to us. So imagine our surprise when we learned that it was the "King of Pop", Michael Jackson himself, and that we were to play for him! He was in Solda for a business meeting. He liked our music so much that he interrupted his dinner and started swinging on his chair! At the end, he shook our hands and said, "Nice music!"
Michael enjoys the local specialties and tastes the "Stilfser Almkäse" (a local cheese) and the "Schüttelbrot" (a special crusty bread).
He returns to his room early while his staff goes dancing at Sulden's only discotheque "Apres-Club".
Michael should have left Sulden on Saturday afternoon. But he appreciates the quietness of the village and decides to extend his stay by one day. "It's nice here, I want to see the village" he says. So the flight was cancelled.
After dealing with some business in the morning, Michael decides at the end of the day to walk around Sulden and see the typical places. He is fascinated by the mountains, the cable car that goes up to Milan and the artificial ice wall built in the village. Nobody noticed him. Michael seemed to be happy because he had managed to isolate himself.
In the evening, Paul Hanny tried to convince him to have dinner in a local restaurant and assure him of his peace of mind. Michael accepted and at 7:30 pm Michael and his friends met for dinner at the Parkhotel "Hartmanns Weinstube". The other guests present did not move when the artist got up to go to the bathroom. They recognize him, but nobody is allowed to disturb him.
Michael spends his Sunday morning in business meetings. After lunch, he heads back to Innsbruck. "He wanted me to drive the car," recalls Paul Hanny, "and I was happy to do it. His bodyguards followed behind. At the Innsbruck airport, I got on the steps of Michael's personal plane, with his staff around me. Michael came out and hugged me to thank me. He also gave me a special autograph. I was very moved.







Michael Jackson Land


Un día como hoy hace 40 años, 10 de marzo de 1983- MTV puso "Billie Jean" por primera vez y cambió para siempre el curso de su programación musical en el proceso. La lista de reproducción de MTV era 99 por ciento blanca hasta que Michael Jackson se abrió camino en el aire al hacer los mejores videos musicales que nadie haya visto jamás, "No es suficiente decir que los videos de Thriller obligaron a MTV a integrarse" La historia sin censura de la revolución de los videos musicales. "Michael Jackson ayudó a evitar el cierre de la cadena. Los ejecutivos de MTV esperaban perder $10 millones antes de mostrar una ganancia. La cadena perdió rápidamente $50 millones, y su empresa matriz estaba preparada para cerrar MTV y renunciar. Los tres de Jackson Los videos de suspenso aparecieron en 1983. En los primeros tres meses de 1984, MTV obtuvo su primera ganancia trimestral.

Michael Jackson Official Group

  https://youtu.be/GGwWaVS7QPo?si=sxtEseTkSfGOKWHG Happy Birthday to Michael Jackson . Thank you for sharing your gift with the world and f...

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