Шарл Бодлер

Jacksons Empire Yulia Julia


John Branca discusses some of the price Michael had to pay for his success.
John Branca: Starting in the 80s, James Baldwin had the famous quote that "Michael Jackson would forever pay the price for being as successful as he was and buying the Beatles catalog”. The press started on Michael in the mid-80s, and it hasn't stopped.
And you asked the question, why not do a counter documentary? It's impossible to prove a negative. And quite frankly, there are large segments of the press that doesn't care because it's not controversial.

“So many people were trying to exploit Michael Jackson... get mementos from him. Michael had trouble getting close to people, because he would think he had a friend and he would try to be a good human being to someone, and the next thing he knew, they were suing him, they'd recorded him without him knowing it. And I think that is was one of the reasons he felt so comfortable with the world's children [whom he tried to help] and with animals. He was a sensitive, kind, decent, creative genius... even during the [2005] trial, I can't tell you how many celebrities who he thought were his friends, in his darkest hour, didn't want to help out. And it was very, very painful and crushing to him. Now the exception to that are Chris Tucker and Macaulay Culkin. Two people I will always have respect for. Both of those guys said to me in no uncertain terms, "When Michael needs us, we're going to be there. Just tell us when.” - Thomas Mesereau

Имението на Майкъл Джексън преодолява финансовите сътресения


УКогато Майкъл Джексън почина трагично на 25 юни 2009 г., той остави след себе си наследство, което надхвърля музиката, но също така и удивително финансово бреме.

Скорошни съдебни документи, подадени в Лос Анджелис и получени от Deadline, разкриха, че към момента на смъртта си Джаксън се бори с дългове, надхвърлящи 500 милиона щатски долара.

Кралят на попа, известен със своята новаторска музика и емблематични изпълнения, беше в разгара на подготовката за амбициозната си резиденция „This Is It“ в 02 Arena в Лондон, планирана от юли 2009 г. до март 2010 г.

Финансовото му положение обаче е ужасно, както се подчертава в съдебните документи.

Според документите, получени от Deadline, активите на Джаксън са обременени с дългове и вземания на кредитори, някои от които са с прекомерни лихвени проценти и са в неизпълнение.

Неговото имение беше изправено пред значителни предизвикателства веднага след смъртта му, особено с финансовите задължения, свързани с отмененото турне в Лондон, падащо директно върху него.

Дипломираният експерт-счетоводител Уилям Р. Акерман, свидетелствайки от името на AEG Live в процес за неправомерна смърт през 2013 г., хвърли светлина върху харчещите навици на Джаксън, които включват щедри дарения за благотворителност, екстравагантни подаръци, продължителни пътувания и инвестиции в изкуство и мебели.

Акерман отбеляза: „Той похарчи много пари за бижута.

В годините след смъртта на Джаксън неговото имение преминава през сложна мрежа от съдебни спорове и искове на кредитори.

Изпълнителите на наследството в документ от март 2024 г. разкриха, че първоначално то е било на ръба на фалита, но оттогава се е възстановило драматично.

Чрез стратегическо предоговаряне на дългове, продажба на активи и разрешаване на многобройни съдебни спорове по целия свят стойността на имението сега възлиза на над 2 милиарда щатски долара.

В документацията се описва подробно как изпълнителите на имоти успешно са предоговорили финансови споразумения при намалени лихвени проценти, предотвратявайки загубата на активи, обезпечени от ценния музикален каталог и имоти на Джаксън.

Това преструктуриране не само изчисти дълговете на имението, но и затвърди MJJ Productions като значим субект в музикалната индустрия.

Въпреки тези постижения продължават да съществуват предизвикателства за имението, включително текущи бизнес, данъчни и правни въпроси, които изискват непрекъснато внимание и управление.

Важен крайъгълен камък, отбелязан в документацията, получена от Deadline, е висящо решение след съдебна победа през 2021 г. над IRS, което може допълнително да стабилизира финансовото състояние на имението.


Mjvibe BET Awards 2024 with a touch of Michael Jackson


Наградите BET се проведоха вчера на 30 юни в Peacock Theatre в Лос Анджелис и въпреки че нищо особено свързано с Майкъл не се случва, но Виктория Моне излезе на сцената, за да изпълни песента си „Alright“, облечена като Smooth Criminal, която всички знаем, че беше почит към Краля на попа.

Гледайте пълното изпълнение тук:

Междувременно на червения килим Колман Доминго, който играе Джо Джаксън в предстоящия биографичен филм „Майкъл“, говори за филма:

Той също каза същото пред Entertainment Tonight, което можете да гледате тук .

Nations Of Magic


#StoryOfTheDay...#OnThisDay Saturday, June 27th, 2009, Jonathan Morrish, director of corporate communications for the collecting organization PPL and former vice president of communications at Sony Music Entertainment Europe, and friend of Michael Jackson recalled his memories :
"I was honored to work with him. I had the incredible good fortune and privilege to work with Michael, well actually The Jacksons, when they joined CBS from Motown in 1976, and to remain involved in his career until his last album, Invincible, in 2001.
Simply put, Michael Jackson was the greatest singing and dancing artist of all time, and his death is not only a huge and tragic loss, but unfortunately heralds the end of an era. Michael changed music making and the music industry. His videos raised the bar to new standards, and his tours around the world took musical theater to unprecedented levels of artistic and technical excellence. He left behind a body of work that will be listened to for generations to come.
The success of the group and his own solo success, which took off with Off The Wall in 1979, brought him to England, a country
which he loved very much at the time.
As a child star, which is probably the hardest mantle to bear, he was a man whose trust rightly had to be earned. He understood the dynamics of show business - the discipline, the need for perfection, the attention to detail - and rightly expected this from the people he worked with.
But he could be wickedly funny. On one occasion in Germany,
just before a TV show, he insisted that I stand behind the cameraman so that, if he felt like it, he could call on me to replace him. Needless to say, after a few minutes he nodded at me, and I obediently stepped up - and this was live TV in front of 30 million people - to take my place while he was leaving! it didn't bother me. I think it was his way to entertain and challenge.
He had an engaging mind, and during our travels around the world
and the cities he played in, he made sure to visit galleries and seeing the sights. Yes, he liked to go shopping, and of course the stores were closed for him, given the inability of the world's most famous man to shop during regular opening hours. But he made it fun for everyone around him and was incredibly generous.
As a performer, he gave his best on stage to the fans, who paid to see him. Give them what they want and what they like, and do it with style, passion, energy and the highest technical specifications. My thoughts are with his family.
My boss Paul Russell [chairman of Sony Music UK and later president of Sony Music Entertainment Europe] saw the benefits and value of having a man on the ground who could spend time with Michael, and he chosed me!
As a result, I have so many memories that it's hard to boil down
it all down to one. Nelson Mandela's meeting with Michael in Cape Town was a moment in my life that I will never forget. But, as a general lasting memory, the moments I spent in the photographer's pit during his shows, watching and witnessing the sheer physical and emotional power of a Michael Jackson concert, a few yards from the man himself, are unforgettable.
The vibrancy, emotion and drama he put into each of his performances is something that will live with me forever.
Having Muscles- boa constrictor Michael wrapped around me is also something I can't forget, but probably prefer!"

MICHAEL JACKSON MJJ prodigy: Around the world


Even dead, Michael Jackson makes a lot of money In March 2010, almost a year after his death, Sony Music Entertainment signed a US$250 million contract with the managers of Michael Jackson's estate in order to have the distribution rights to his albums until 2017 and launch seven posthumous albums. In 2018, Forbes magazine claimed that the artist had generated $2 billion in post-mortem earnings (after his death). According to several magazines, the artist generates $75 million per year and generated 1.74 million streams in 2023. Sony Music has acquired half of Michael Jackson's catalog estimated at around $1.2 billion (up to 1.5 billion according to some Billboard sources. Even 15 years after his death, he generates a lot of money and it's not about to stop. Credit 📸:Getty Images #musicpromomedia #MPM

Hector Barjot goes deep into the “King Of Pop” compilations


„King of Pop“ е сборен албум, издаден в чест на 50-ия рожден ден на Майкъл Джексън през 2008 г.

Списъкът с песни на албума се различава в различните страни, гласувани от феновете.

Hector & William Leseney разглеждат повечето от тях чрез комбинираните си колекции и ако искате да научите повече, това е видеоклипът, който да гледате:




Michael Jackson Beat It, History World Tour 1996
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Michael Jackson Official Group

  https://youtu.be/GGwWaVS7QPo?si=sxtEseTkSfGOKWHG Happy Birthday to Michael Jackson . Thank you for sharing your gift with the world and f...

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