Шарл Бодлер





Ladies and gentlemen,
Today, as we reflect on the life and legacy of Michael Jackson, we are reminded not only of his unparalleled talent but also of the complexities and challenges he faced throughout his journey. Michael Jackson's story is one of triumph over adversity, of perseverance in the face of scrutiny, and of resilience in the pursuit of his dreams.
From his early days as a child prodigy in the Jackson 5 to his record-breaking solo career, Michael Jackson's impact on the music industry cannot be overstated. With albums like "Thriller," "Bad," and "Off the Wall," he not only dominated the charts but also pushed the boundaries of creativity and innovation in music videos, paving the way for future generations of artists.
Yet, amidst his meteoric rise to fame, Michael Jackson also grappled with personal struggles and controversies that often overshadowed his achievements. Despite facing intense public scrutiny and media sensationalism, he remained steadfast in his dedication to his craft and his commitment to spreading messages of love, unity, and social change through his music.
Michael Jackson's influence transcended music; he was a cultural icon whose impact reached far beyond the stage. He broke down racial barriers, challenged societal norms, and used his platform to amplify marginalized voices and advocate for equality and justice.
As we honor Michael Jackson's memory today, let us celebrate not only his extraordinary talent but also his enduring legacy of compassion, generosity, and artistic innovation. Let us remember him not as a flawless figure but as a human being who grappled with his own demons and emerged stronger and more resilient because of them.
In the words of Michael Jackson himself, "If you want to make the world a better place, take a look at yourself and make a change." Let us heed his call to action and strive to carry forward his legacy of positivity, kindness, and boundless creativity.
Thank you, Michael Jackson, for sharing your gift with the world. Your music continues to inspire, uplift, and unite us all.


Ladies and gentlemen,

Today, as we reflect on the life and legacy of Michael Jackson, we are reminded not only of his unparalleled talent but also of the complexities and challenges he faced throughout his journey. Michael Jackson's story is one of triumph over adversity, of perseverance in the face of scrutiny, and of resilience in the pursuit of his dreams.

From his early days as a child prodigy in the Jackson 5 to his record-breaking solo career, Michael Jackson's impact on the music industry cannot be overstated. With albums like "Thriller," "Bad," and "Off the Wall," he not only dominated the charts but also pushed the boundaries of creativity and innovation in music videos, paving the way for future generations of artists.

Yet, amidst his meteoric rise to fame, Michael Jackson also grappled with personal struggles and controversies that often overshadowed his achievements. Despite facing intense public scrutiny and media sensationalism, he remained steadfast in his dedication to his craft and his commitment to spreading messages of love, unity, and social change through his music.

Michael Jackson's influence transcended music; he was a cultural icon whose impact reached far beyond the stage. He broke down racial barriers, challenged societal norms, and used his platform to amplify marginalized voices and advocate for equality and justice.

As we honor Michael Jackson's memory today, let us celebrate not only his extraordinary talent but also his enduring legacy of compassion, generosity, and artistic innovation. Let us remember him not as a flawless figure but as a human being who grappled with his own demons and emerged stronger and more resilient because of them.

In the words of Michael Jackson himself, "If you want to make the world a better place, take a look at yourself and make a change." Let us heed his call to action and strive to carry forward his legacy of positivity, kindness, and boundless creativity.

Thank you, Michael Jackson, for sharing your gift with the world. Your music continues to inspire, uplift, and unite us all.

♥ Memorial in honour of Michael Jackson in Munich/Germany ♥


( ̧. ́ ̄`•. ☆Щастлив ☆. • ́ ̄`•. ☆
́ ̄) ̧. ☆ ́ ̄) Рожден ден ☆
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Фред Астер
Фред Астер и Майкъл Джексън
Фред Астер беше великият модел за подражание на Майкъл. Той го обичаше и се възхищаваше и искаше да се научи да танцува, както и на него. Мисля, че успя в това. Майкъл танцува като Фред Астер във видеото по-долу.
На 16 май 1983 г. Майкъл представя легендарната си Billie Jean, по повод специалното телевизионно шоу Motown 25. Фред Астер се обади на Майкъл след шоуто и каза по телефона:
"Ти си страхотен танцьор, наистина я свали от стола, снощи. " Ти си ядосан танцьор и аз съм по същия начин. Направих същото с пръчката си, ти си страхотен танцьор. "Фред също смяташе, че Майкъл е най-великият танцьор на всички времена.
В автобиографията Moonwalk Майкъл Джексън пише за живота и музиката си през 1988 г. Той посвети книгата, която се превърна в бестселър, на своя голям идол Фред Астер.
На снимката се вижда Майкъл с Фред Астер
18-годишният Майкъл Джаксън танцува степ по телевизията

Michael Jackson's short film "GHOSTS" Kerry Hennigan


Rita Moreno, now aged 92, won an Oscar for her role as Anita in the 1961 classic 'West Side Story' and performed heavy choreography in the number 'America' but met Michael Jackson many years later and was taken aback to realise she had inspired some of the movement in his hit single 'Thriller' (I think she means "Bad" actually, since that choreography is very much inspired by WSS.) She told this week's edition of People magazine: "I'm always shocked when Michael - I love to tell the story - he told me one day that I was a huge favourite of his, [in this] tiny little voice. And he said, 'I've always loved your dancing, and I copied some of the steps,' and sure enough, when I saw 'Thriller,' I saw some of the steps from 'America.'
"He just loved the choreography. He was influenced by ['West Side Story choreographer] Jerome Robbins. Oh, very much. Very much."

Michael Jackson FanSquare • ITALIA


L'8 Maggio di 28 anni fa, Michael Jackson lasciava il proprio segno nella storia dei World Music Awards conquistando uno dei tanti record della sua straordinaria carriera, e regalando al pubblico in sala un'emozionante esecuzione di 'Earth Song', forse la più solenne e scenografica tra tutte quelle che abbia mai proposto. 🌍
Ecco la nostra FOTO del giorno a cura di Eric Di Scenza, con tutti i dettagli e il VIDEO di quella storica performance nel primo commento. 📸👇



Principato di Monaco, 8 maggio 1996 - Michael Jackson diventa il primo artista nella storia dei World Music Awards ad aggiudicarsi ben cinque premi in una sola serata:

- "World's Best Selling Male Artist";
- "World's Best Selling Male R&B Artist";
- "World's Best Selling American Male Artist";
- "World's Best Selling Artist Ever";
- "World's Best Selling Record of All Time" per l'album 'Thriller'.

Nel corso della cerimonia, presentata dall'attore Jean-Claude Van Damme e dalla compianta Natalie Cole, il Re del Pop incanterà il pubblico del 'Monte Carlo Sporting Club' con un'intensa interpretazione del suo capolavoro 'Earth Song' (link al VIDEO, nel primo commento).

Post a cura di Francesca De Donatis e foto di Eric Di Scenza dal nostro Gruppo privato Michael Jackson FanSquare • ITALIA.

♥ Memorial in honour of Michael Jackson in Munich/Germany ♥


♫♫♫ Майкъл Джексън ♫♫♫ Помнете 10. Май 1986 - преди 38 години на днешния ден
Майкъл Джексън посещава "Музея на река Брандиуйн", където се интересува от изложба с картини на Н.К. Уайет.
2. Част
Грег Хилдебранд продължава:
"Най-голямата изненада беше, когато Майкъл ме помоли да му дам урок по рисуване. "Бързо забелязах, че има естествен талант към изкуството. Седяхме, рисувахме, говорихме и хапнахме пуканки. Беше спокойно и много приятно/забавно. "
Картината показва рисуването на Майкъл.

Michael Jackson FanSquare • ITALIA Francesca De Donatis


«Sono molto lieto di consegnare il 'Millennium Award' ad un artista la cui musica, generosità e ineguagliabile capacità di fare spettacolo hanno dato colore e una brillantezza senza pari al XX secolo.
Fra mille anni, quando si esaminerà la storia della musica popolare, nessun altro artista sarà ricordato e celebrato come Michael Jackson.
È raro che un artista bambino compia una transizione di successo verso una carriera anche da adulto. Ed è ancora più raro che questa carriera venga proiettata nel firmamento, come invece è accaduto per Michael.
Durante i suoi 37 anni sotto i riflettori, Michael ha offerto straordinari contributi alla musica.
Il suo eccezionale album 'Thriller' rimane il disco più venduto nella storia. I suoi straordinari short-films sono diventati il modello di riferimento in base al quale oggi vengono giudicati i video musicali.
E alla fine del secolo, ha venduto più dischi in tutto il mondo di qualunque altro artista solista nella storia dei media.
Ma i successi di Michael vanno ben oltre l'ambito dell'industria discografica. Il suo lavoro in campo umanitario è noto in tutto il mondo.
La sua canzone di grande influenza, 'We Are The World', e la sua Associazione internazionale, la 'Heal The World Foundation', sono soltanto due dei suoi innumerevoli sforzi caritatevoli mirati a raccogliere milioni di dollari per centinaia di cause importanti.
In altre parole, l'influenza di Michael Jackson sul mondo dello spettacolo, sulla beneficenza e di fatto sulla nostra intera cultura è assolutamente incommensurabile.
Dato che siamo entrati nel XXI secolo, possiamo aspettarci risultati ancora più eccezionali nel campo della musica e dei video da questo artista incredibilmente talentuoso.
È stato un privilegio assistere alla fantastica carriera di Michael, che nel corso degli anni lo ha trasformato da un semplice cantante in una superstar, e da un incantevole ragazzino in un uomo dignitoso».
[Principe Alberto II di Monaco, 10 maggio 2000]
In questo giorno di 24 anni fa, durante la dodicesima edizione dei World Music Awards, il Re del Pop veniva consacrato "Artista del Millennio".
Il VIDEO della premiazione, con il discorso integrale del Principe Alberto II sottotitolato in ITALIANO, nel primo commento.

Всички реакции:

«Fra mille anni, quando si esaminerà la storia della musica popolare, nessun altro artista sarà ricordato e celebrato come Michael Jackson.
La sua influenza sul mondo dello spettacolo, sulla beneficenza e di fatto sulla nostra intera cultura è assolutamente incommensurabile». 👑
Il 10 Maggio di 24 anni fa, Michael Jackson diventava ľ"Artista del Millennio" per eccellenza.
P.S.: Ma l'eleganza di quel 'total black'?! 😱😅
I dettagli, nel post in Pagina con il discorso integrale del Principe Alberto II di Monaco e la FOTO del giorno a cura di Eric Di Scenza. 📸👇

Всички реакци

Michael Jackson Official Group

  https://youtu.be/GGwWaVS7QPo?si=sxtEseTkSfGOKWHG Happy Birthday to Michael Jackson . Thank you for sharing your gift with the world and f...

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