Шарл Бодлер

AleMj Mammino


19 Aprile 1980 43 anni di She's Out of my Life.
Michael parlando di questa canzone e le emozioni che provava quando la cantava disse:
"She's Out of My Life" parla della consapevolezza che le barriere che mi hanno separato dagli altri sono allettanti e apparentemente facili da scavalcare.
eppure rimangono in piedi mentre ciò che desidero veramente scompare dalla mia vista.....
Ma mi sono lasciato coinvolgere troppo da "She's Out of My Life". In questo caso, la storia è vera: ho pianto alla fine di una ripresa, perché le parole avevano improvvisamente un effetto così forte su di me. Avevo lasciato che tante cose si accumulassero dentro di me. Avevo ventuno anni ed ero così ricco di esperienze, mentre ero povero di momenti di vera gioia. A volte immagino che la mia esperienza di vita sia come un'immagine in uno di quegli specchi da circo, grassa in una parte e magra fino a scomparire in un'altra. Ero preoccupato che questo potesse apparire in "She's Out of My Life", ma se avesse toccato le corde del cuore delle persone, saperlo mi avrebbe fatto sentire meno solo.
Quando mi sono commosso dopo quella ripresa, le uniche persone con me erano Quincy e Bruce Swedien. Ricordo di aver nascosto il viso tra le mani e di aver sentito solo il ronzio dei macchinari mentre i miei singhiozzi riecheggiavano nella stanza. In seguito mi scusai, ma mi dissero che non ce n'era bisogno.
She's Out of My Life canzone di Michael Jackson estratta nel 1980 come quarto singolo dal suo album in studio Off the Wall del 1979.
Si tratta di una ballata scritta da Tom Bahler. Quincy Jones, produttore dell'album e del singolo, dichiarò in varie interviste che aveva pensato inizialmente di dare la canzone all'amico Frank Sinatra, ma decise in seguito di farla registrare a Jackson. Jones rimase affascinato dal fatto che Michael Jackson, emotivamente provato dal testo del brano, si commuovesse ogni volta al punto da scoppiare in lacrime alla fine di ogni seduta di registrazione, decidendo pertanto di tenere il suono del pianto del cantante sul finire della canzone anche nella versione definitiva del brano.
In seguito la canzone fu anche reinterpretata da Patti LaBelle, Ginuwine, 98 Degrees e Josh Groban.
Una demo di She's Out of My Life fu inserita nel 2009 nel secondo disco dell'album doppio This Is It.
La canzone venne interpretata da Michael Jackson in tutti i suoi tour a venire, a partire dal Triumph Tour dei Jacksons del 1981 e in seguito nel Victory Tour del 1984, ultimo tour del cantante coi fratelli, e nei suoi tour da solista Bad World Tour (1987-1989) e Dangerous World Tour (1992-1993) oltre che nel Royal Concert per il 50º compleanno del Sultano del Brunei del 1996. In tutte queste interpretazioni dal vivo, il cantante era solito scegliere una ragazza dal pubblico per farla salire sul palco e danzare abbracciato a lei mentre lui cantava alcune strofe.Tale storica interpretazione di She's Out of My Life sarebbe stata sostituita dalla canzone You Are Not Alone a partire dall'HIStory World Tour (1996-1997).Il cantante provò She's Out of My Life anche per i suoi concerti benefici Michael Jackson & Friends del 1999, in cui avrebbe dovuto interpretarla per la prima volta come duetto, assieme a Mariah Carey, ma venne infine tolta dalla scaletta. Le immagini delle prove del concerto di Seul in cui Jackson prova con una corista il duetto, segnano pertanto l'ultima volta che il cantante abbia interpretato la canzone dal vivo.
Il video musicale venne diretto da Bruce Gowers, regista inglese che aveva già diretto per Jackson il video della canzone Rock with You dell'anno precedente, e vedeva il cantante, vestito in abiti casual, mentre interpretava il brano seduto per tutta la durata del video. A causa del basso budget e della sostanziale mancanza di originalità del video, il cantante si rifiuterà di pubblicarlo in tutte le sue raccolte di videoclip pubblicate nel corso della sua vita e venne pubblicato infine per la prima volta solo dopo la scomparsa dell'artista nella raccolta di video intitolata Michael Jackson's Vision del 2010.
Il singolo segnò un record per l'epoca: con questo brano per la prima volta quattro canzoni estratte dallo stesso album di uno stesso artista erano arrivate tutte nelle prime dieci posizioni della classifica generale di Billboard dove raggiunse la posizione numero 10.Negli Stati Uniti fu premiato nel 1989 con un Disco d'oro a fronte di una vendita superiore alle 500 000 copie mentre nel 2022 con un Disco di platino per vendite superiori al milione di unità.👑❤

Yulia Julia


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Michael Jackson our beautiful angel


🤔🤔🤔 What was it like being Michael Jackson's kid?
“I think it must have been a little bit of heaven mixed in with a little bit of hell. From all reports of people that knew and spent time with the little family, Michael Jackson was always praised for his abilities as a great father but I have to be honest and say that I can see some problems that are impossible to ignore which tell a somewhat different story. I recently answered a question that asked whether I would have wanted to be Michael Jackson during his most famous period and my answer started with a strong “absolutely not”. I would probably give the same answer if asked whether I’d want to have been one of his children. Here’s why:
All three of his children were almost completely isolated from the world-meaning other children were not a daily part of their lives-not even for celebrations like birthdays or similar occasions. Michael Jackson always stated very clearly and strongly that he wanted his children to enjoy “normal” childhoods; he didn’t want them to grow up in any fashion like he did. Yet, in the end there were a lot of similarities between their experiences.
There is an excellent book out called Remember The Time. It’s written by two of Jackson’s bodyguards who watched over the family of Michael and his three children from the end of 2006-late 2008. They describe the loneliness that was apparent in the household during these years. Michael had been severely affected by his four month child molestation trial despite the fact that he was found innocent on all ten counts. He was always very protective of his children but in the last years of his life after the trial he became drug-addled and paranoid about the safety of his children. He was worried about everything from kidnapping to an alligator eating his children up on his Neverland property. He had them wear disguises whenever they went out with him in public and when he wasn’t with them was the only time they could be free to play in a park playground or attend a movie in a public theater. He had entrusted his children’s safety to the two aforementioned bodyguards.
Michael grew up isolated from other children and only had his brothers and sisters for childhood company. He created the same environment for his own children despite the fact that he wanted to provide them with an entirely different scenario.
I also feel that after the 2005 trial, Michael’s children never had a permanent roof over their heads and lived a very nomadic life. This must have been quite upsetting for them. They lived in close to ten different residences from 2005 until their father’s passing in 2009. The places would vary greatly-going from five-star hotels to living in a basement of a family friend. I believe it is very important for a child to have a stable living environment and unfortunately Michael Jackson was unable to provide that during the years after they left Neverland.
I also believe that it must be awful for the children to be bombarded by the nasty press and the FALSE allegations that follow Michael Jackson around even ten years after his death. It’s one thing to be an outraged fan but imagine what it would be like to hear your father, and in this case, the children’s only parent called the worst possible names and instead of being able to grieve the tenth anniversary of their father’s death and celebrate his life and amazing accomplishments they are, once again, going to court to protect their father’s legacy and good name.
So I’ve now covered a lot of the hell they had to endure as the children of Michael Jackson so it’s time to counter that with some heavenly moments. I think it must have been wonderful to have such an enlightened, creative, fun and funny, kind, intelligent and loving man for a parent. I don’t think Michael could have been more of an advocate for his children’s education and I don’t think he could have loved them any more unconditionally than he did. It must have been wonderful to know you are that loved.
Michael also tried to give them a real life education by taking them with him all over the world and exposing them to live theater and endless movies. He encouraged them to care about others and they are certainly making their father proud by helping the poor in the ways they do such as Prince carrying on the traditions of “Heal L.A.” a charity started by his father. Paris has also led protests and participated in organizations that fight bigotry of all kinds. I’m sure once Bigi (formerly Blanket) comes of age he will also become a charitable person.
So to sum up-I don’t think it’s ever easy to be the offspring of famous people. You tend to grow up more quickly than others and have to learn to deal with no privacy from birth. But knowing you are greatly loved can make up for some of the negatives associated with this birthright. I think it is very sad that the children had to watch their father suffer greatly during the trial period and through the aftermath of that nightmare. I think Michael did everything he could to hide his pain but there was just too much of it to ignore.
I wish that Michael had allowed his children to attend regular school and had encouraged more of a connection between them and their mothers, especially in Bigi’s case. At least that would have afforded them the opportunity to avoid becoming orphans after his passing.
But I’m also really glad that he instilled in them the importance of having a kind heart and giving soul. I’m glad for the time they had living at Neverland. I’m glad he was the kind of father who squatted down to his children’s eye level before he’d tell them “I love you more”. I guess Paris summed it up best at her father’s huge memorial when she said he was the best father she could ever have had from the time she was born.
I think that his children are very proud to have had him as their father and they are a testament to his ability to raise three honest, polite, intelligent and successful human beings. Not without problems but with the motivation and stamina to fight the good fight and stay together as a strong and supportive group of siblings”.
Bonnie Bennett, a retired psychologist and Social Worker Writing about Michael Jackson

Bryan Jackson


Michael Jackson: The Magic, The Madness, The Whole Story, 1958-2009
I first met Michael Jackson when we were both children. The
Jackson 5 had just appeared at the Philadelphia Convention Center
on Saturday evening, 2 May 1970, their first performance
subsequent to signing with Motown Records. It was a heady time
for the boys; Michael was a very young eleven-year-old trying to
come to terms with it all. I remember him then being happy, so full
of life. Something happened along the way, though... we both
grew up, but in very different ways.
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Marko Osmeña Hofschneider


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