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Nikolas Alepous · Japanese 3 inch cds for sale. Remember the time is a promo edition. PM for info.


Nations Of Magic


#OnThisDay March 3rd, 1995. #MichaelJackson attended the funeral of Craig Fleming, a twenty-two-month-old baby whose mother threw him over the side of a Los Angeles bridge along with his four-year-old brother, Michael, before jumping herself in a failed suicide attempt. The Long Beach mother and her four-year-old son survived the incident, although her son Michael, was badly battered, requiring a lot of medical aid and a lengthy stay in hospital. Michael Jackson paid for his medical costs, established a trust fund that continued to benefit the boy for years to come, and dedicated the song "Childhood" from his "HIStory" album to his brother, Craig’s memory. He was also involved in founding the "Community School/Safety Havens Initiative", with the purpose of creating a secure environment for L.A. families and consisted of after-school activities, namely; computer, languages, mathematics and sports courses and programs.

Michael Jackson our beautiful angel


❤❤❤❤❤ Former bodyguard talks about unforgettable moments with Michael Jackson's kids…
“Mr. Jackson was always concerned that we were taking good care of ourselves. He always said to us, "Are you exercising? “, “Are you eating well? '' Don't eat too much 'crap', it's not good for you. ''
Mostly Mr. Jackson and the kids had very healthy habits, but he let them go to McDonalds - ice cream, pizza or whatever, but that was just like a gift.
In his small, continuously closed world, he just went to a fast-food restaurant and ordered through the drive-thru and — it was like an adventure. We stopped at the speaker box and three of them jumped on top of each other in the backseat, trying to be the first to reach the window and place their own order.
Once after Prince and Paris had placed their orders, it was Blanket's turn. He had to stand on the bench to reach the speaker box. He stood there and said:
"Can I please have two Krispy Kreme and chips?"
Blanket loved Krispy Kreme, we were always looking for ways for the kids to go out and see new things. So we arranged with the manager of one of the local Krispy Kreme to take Mr. Jackson and Blanket inland to see how the donuts are made.
Around 2:30 am we went there and saw it. The workers showed them everything, they stayed there for hours just walking and learning how all the machines work and we brought home about five boxes of donuts.
There were times when we were driving somewhere and Mr. Jackson would say, “Bill, the kids are hungry. Can we find a McDonalds? ''
We went to McDonalds for a bite to eat, stopped in a parking lot somewhere, and Javon and I got out of the car, leaving him with his kids inside, sitting and eating.
He didn't ask us to get out of the car. We did it so that he could have those moments with his kids. We knew he had little privacy, so we gave him as much as we could. ''
- From the book’ Remember The Time: Protecting Michael Jackson in His Finals Days’ written by Bill Whitfield and Javon Beard - former bodyguards of Michael Jackson.

AleMj Mammino


Un ritorno al passato: Loren Legarda ricorda l'incontro "incredibile" con Michael Jackson
Anni prima di entrare in politica, la senatrice Loren Legarda ha avuto la possibilità di incontrare da vicino il Re del pop Michael Jackson.
Nel suo ultimo post su Facebook, Legarda ha condiviso il suo incredibile incontro con l'iconica pop star quando era una giovane giornalista. Ha ricordato Jackson come una persona amorevole e premurosa che voleva aiutare i bambini filippini malati.
Nonostante l'elevata sicurezza, Legarda riuscì a raggiungere Jackson, che alla fine riuscì a trovare il tempo di concedere un'intervista alla giornalista in erba. Il post di Legarda includeva una sua foto con Jackson.
Sapevate che ho avuto la possibilità di incontrare il Re del Pop, Michael Jackson? Ricordo che la sicurezza era molto stretta, ma sono riuscita ad avvicinarlo con l'aiuto di un amico, all'epoca, come giovane giornalista. Mi ha persino salutato calorosamente quando mi sono presentata e si è prestato volentieri a un'intervista", ha scritto Legarda su Facebook.
"Ho imparato a conoscere la sua natura amorevole e premurosa quando ha espresso il suo interesse nell'aiutare i bambini filippini malati, il che mi ha fatto sentire grata di averlo incontrato!", ha detto.❤

Michael Jackson Fans ONLY


2nd March 1988 - Michael performed two songs (The Way You Make Me Feel and Man in the Mirror) at the 31st Annual Grammy Awards. Despite bringing the crowd to its feet with his spirited performance, Michael lost the Record of the Year award (his only nomination, for Man in the Mirror) to Bobby McFerrin for Don’t Worry, Be Happy.
Michael's performance on 31st Annual Grammy Awards was his first TV performance since 1983's Motown 25 special 5 years earlier.
Suddenly. the lights dimmed and a silhouette appeared from behind a screen. Michael stood, poised very still, with a hat perched on his head, down over his eyes. He slowly glided from one position to another as the screen slowly rose revealing Michael wearing short black pants, well above his ankles, and a blue shirt with a white t-shirt underneath it. He also had a white strip of fabric tied around his waist, and one around his wrist, looking he just stepped from the set of the video for "TWYMMF".
He descended a small staircase and sang very slowly the opening lines of TWYMMF, putting out an imaginary cigarette on the floor. In a special cameo appearance, Tatiana crossed the stage in front of him. As the music assumed its usual uptempo beat, Michael tossed the hat, pulled his shirt tails out and was joined by four dancers. The dazzling choreography borrowed from the song's video, and showcased Michael's new variation on the moonwalk, gliding around in a circle.
After the performance of an abbreviated TWYMMF, the dancers left the stage to Michael. After a pause for applause, he began MITM. He was joined on stage by the New Hope Baptist Church Choir, all in blue gowns. Michael's other background singers included Siedah Garrett and Andre Crouch, who at one point went out to Michael to help him up from his knees and wipe his forehead, a gesture reminiscent of James Brown's performances. Michael gave an outstanding performance, falling to his knees at several points and giving full emotion to the song's moving lyrics.
Michael was given a standing ovation for his performance that evening, but no Grammy...
Despite his shutout, Michael won over the audience with a performance recalling his 1983 Motown special stunner
His minimal showing in the statuette sweepstakes hardly diminished his uncontested talents

AleMj Mammino


Babyface in un recente podcast ha parlato del suo primo incontro professionale con la leggenda Michael Jackson dicendo:"Michael era magico. Michael aveva la capacità di far fare alle persone tutto ciò che voleva".
"Mi diceva sempre: 'Sei
. Abbiamo lo stesso senso dell'umorismo perché siamo entrambi dell'Indiana'".
Edmonds ha lavorato con Jackson, scomparso nel 2009, su un paio di canzoni; nessuna ha avuto il successo che il produttore voleva, ha detto.
Ma ho frequentato davvero lui qualche volta per parlare e basta. Non si trattava di registrare. E per me è prezioso essere stato in quella posizione", ha detto.
Qui trovate il resto di ciò che ha detto nel podcast.https://eu.indystar.com/…/babyface-talks…/69958877007/
Per chi non lo sapesse Babyface pseudonimo di Kenneth Brian Edmonds, è un cantante, compositore e produttore discografico statunitense di musica R&B e pop. HA prodotto Invincible (Michael Jackson album),Xscape (album) scritto il pezzo On the line,Slave to the Rhythm
Why (3T canzone in duetto con zio Michael e You Are My Life.❤

MJJ Archives Pics MJ : Hotels, Restaurants, Places · In Monte-Carlo, Monaco for the World Music Awards in May 2000 💙


Michael Jackson Official Group

  https://youtu.be/GGwWaVS7QPo?si=sxtEseTkSfGOKWHG Happy Birthday to Michael Jackson . Thank you for sharing your gift with the world and f...

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