"There are those who swear that in the world there is no more beauty, nor magic ... then how do you explain that the whole world gathers in one night to celebrate hope in the year to come?
Because the last glow turn on the last day... And you... Don't look back, luckily everything ends
and in the long awaited tomorrow we can write a wonderful new story, why
our hope is called life. Best wishes for a New, Happy and benevolent year my dear family. And forgive me but, the year that is about to go hasn't been good at all for me ... But I took a quick look at my Messenger, which I haven't looked at in a long time now, and believe me when I tell you I cried. Full of messages from friends worried about my absence. Then I understood that something of me is present in all of you, that if something bad happens to me, my steps, my path has not been in vain and above all my words have left a track. And I hope that this track, even if small, has made everyone understand that words are important, goodness is important, sincere love given is important and consequently the love received can make millions of hearts move in the same direction. UNITED.
Happy New Year again, but may he be really good and kind to everyone this time. I love you and I will always love you my dear family, more and more and humbly I thank everyone.