Шарл Бодлер

MJ's LEGACY Association International

 17.04.2022 #MichaelJackson Memorial Munich

Frohe Ostern Michael 🌼🐣🌸
MJ’s Legacy e.V.
Nena & Team

MJJ Archives Pics


MTV Bill Bellamy interview in 1995
Bellamy : You, Janet, and the video [Scream] have been nominated for 11 MTV Music Video Awards, and that hasn't happened in the last decade. How does that make you feel?
Michael : Very, very honored, and I am sure Janet is too. We have worked very hard on it and to reap the fruits of his type of thing is a wonderful achievement. I am very, very happy.
Bellamy : It's awesome! When I watch the [Scream] video, there's so much energy in the video; you guys are just like electric. What was it like working together, doing it, the dancing and the whole thing.
Michael : It was great because we love to dance and to get to dance with my sister reminds me of old times, cause it allowed us to play and goof off and throw stuff, and it was fun. The "making of" is as much fun as seeing the real short.
Bellamy : You guys have to do another video for us [fans], 'cause we are loving it, man.
Michael : Thank you [smiling].
Bellamy : When we look at your videos, they are every innovative, they are always on the cutting edge. How much are you involved in the creative process of the videos?
Michael : Very much. 'Cause, I pretty much come up with the concepts and I like to collaborated on - this one [Scream], I didn't come up with the concept, it was done by the directory - but I pretty much like to conceptualize and choreograph, but it's always a collaborative effort on everything.
Bellamy : Of all your videos, when you think back on it, what is Michael Jackson's favorite video?
Michael : My favorite? Hmmm, probably something like Thriller to Smooth Criminal, I like kinda rough edge. We're gonna do more of that kinda stuff.
Bellamy : You're gonna do more stuff like that?
Michael : Yeah.
Bellamy : Oh, yeah [with excitement].... Michael, you're an artist known for producing your own material, but you also collaborate with a lot of others. How do you choose who you wanna work with?
Michael : Chee, uhm.. I pretty much don't, I pretty much don't pick the artist I want to work with. It kinda happens spontaneously, I think. They present something that I think is interesting and we kinda collaborate on it.
Bellamy : Who would you like to work with that you haven't worked with, yet?
Michael : It would probably be somebody like Tchaikovsky or Claude Debussy - an artist that isn't around any more.
Bellamy : Who were some of the people that you collaborated with on HIStory?
Michael : I worked with R. Kelly, I worked with Notorious B.I.G, I worked with Boyz II Men, who are phenomenal.
Bellamy : Shequille told me.....
Michael : Yes, Shequille O'Neal, of course! He was great.
Bellamy : He was really nervous, you know. He couldn't believe it, he wanted to scream, he said.
Michael : He was, he was great.
Bellamy : So, was it a lot of fun?
Michael : Yeah!
Bellamy : On the new video [You Are Not Alone], is a song that is written and produced by R. Kelly. How did you guys hook up?
Michael : It was a song he presented and I liked it. Actually, we produced this one together... It just is a wonderful song, he is a wonderful artist.
Bellamy : It's a truly beautiful song. I mean, the first time I heard it, I liked it immediately. I mean, was it the same type of impact when you heard it too?
Michael : Yeah, for me, I always have to hear it twice.
Bellamy : Two times!?
Michael : Even when I love it, I wanna hear it again. But I loved it!
Bellamy : We rocked that, baby! [they shake hands]

„Състояние на независимостта“ – Майкъл Джексън се присъединява към други музикални величия


„State of Independence“ беше колаборация на някои от най-големите имена в музикалната индустрия, Майкъл Джексън, Куинси Джоунс, Дона Сомърс, Лайънъл Ричи и Стиви Уондър.

Michael Jackson Hellas


"ЛОШО: Историята пред невъзпятия герой... ""
Песента Bad е препратка към хората в региона, които остават в "темата" за много покрайнини на Ню Йорк. И все пак, споменатото парче е отговор на критиците за връзките му с афро-американската общност, които вярват, че той вече е започнал да се отказва от епохата на Thriller, тъй като неговите изслушвания бяха по-адресирани към
Обложката на едноименния албум осигурява явно по-градски образ на художника, отколкото бяхме свикнали по-рано. CD сингълът е вторият пореден албум No1 в американските класации за сингъл, а също и 2-ри до тогава комерсиален албум в историята.
Голяма част от стиха е вдъхновена от случай на убийство на ученик в частно училище, докато е бил навън, докато е завършил. Веднага щом това събитие достигна до ушите на Майкъл, той го пенсионира толкова много, че веднага започна да пише песента. Това, разбира се, беше източник на вдъхновение за музикалния клип на песента, режисирана от Мартин Скорсезе.
Видеото показва историята на един студент от Харлем. Когато се връща от колежа в родината си, там се връща в контакт с приятелите си, които се отнасят с него като с упорит човек, ограничен в книгите му, докато този, който на гарата се превърне в особено корав характер на свой собствен подземен свят, който с ескорта на танцьорите си, разбира се, успява да постави на нейно място точно тази група млади хулигани. Разбира се, един от инвестираните членове беше Уесли Снайпс в първите стъпки на кариерата си.
Централната концепция е измислена, за да бъде комбинация от филма West Side Story и кадри от културата на Харлемската зона, които ще засегнат въпроса за ебобизма и неговото лечение. Според Скорсезе Майкъл е бил особено любезен и отзивчив по време на заснемането на видеото, възприемчив към всяка иновативна идея.
Накрая е важно да се отбележи, че терминът "лош" по това време е обявен за тип "сериозно готин човек". Само от това можем да разберем, че Майкъл Джексън знаеше как да играе правилно по отношение на думи, но и на играта и как само такъв готин човек може да се справи срещу всички, които се съмняваха в победата и неговия стил. Какво мислите, хора ??
Instagram: mjhellas. гр.

Paris 💗 🎸 👩‍🎤 'Halo' by Beyonce


AleMj Mammino TRAILER 2 | Remembering Michael: the Artist and Humanitarian (NEW 2022 DOCUMENTARY)


Un altro documentario di fan pro-Michael in arrivo
Un altro documentario su Michael Jackson fatto dai fan sarà rilasciato su Youtube il 25 giugno.
Chiamato "Remembering Michael: the artist and humanitarian", il mini documentario fatto dai fan affronterà tutte le idee sbagliate (voci e scandali) su Michael Jackson da parte dei media. Si dice che andrà in profondità nelle questioni riguardanti le accuse di molestie ai bambini, le voci sul cambio di aspetto e la produzione musicale.
Qui il Trailer:⬇️

Esh Sundar


Someone In The Dark
In the summer of 2010, a friend once told me that I was obsessed with Michael Jackson. It didn’t offend me then or now; however, it did highlight how fascinated I was with Jackson around that time and even now.
Since his death in June of 2009, I’ve become an unofficial historian of this fascinating man on top of countless books, articles, and journals I’ve read about him. He as a person can be a case study on politics, race, psychology, child prodigies, mental health, self-esteem, celebrity, etc. I’ve written articles and academic journals on him myself, and I plan on doing more.
Because I realized over time I connected with Jackson in many ways. We all do.
Jackson dealt with so many issues that the common man and woman go through. Insecurity, feelings of doubt, self-esteem issues. Lastly, he battled loneliness during his time on earth.
Sounds familiar?
Jackson gravitated toward writing and recording emotionally charged songs such as Childhood and songs written by others like Man in the Mirror and Someone in the Dark.
Someone in the Dark is about Jackson relating to the character E.T. as Jackson sings about someone being a friend of his that helps take him out of his misery. Someone unexpected, as if they were in the dark.
E.T. felt this way , too, in the movie E.T. The Extra-Terrestial. Jackson releated to the character, which drew him in to do this song and soundtrack (soundtrack got shelved in 1982 due to conflicting with Jackson’s Thriller release.)
I like to think of this song as the prime example of how celebrities want friendship, companionship, and relationships no matter their status. And they want to be seen, not spotted.
We want that, too. We want to be seen by someone, loved by a companion, and appreciated by friends.
From my research, Jackson never had that someone in the dark. His fans mobbed him, and the world wanted a piece of him. But Jackson was often a lonely man, so he created the Peter Pan world for him in which he didn’t have to grow up.
But while we won’t have the luxury of ever being as big as Michael Jackson, we can offer our hand in compassion to others no matter what we think is going on, just as we would want someone in the dark to reach out to us, too.
Because life is so short, you know? We saw the tragic passing of former Ohio State great Dwayne Haskins at 24 this past weekend. Many journalists and casual fans are walking back the criticism they said about Haskins during his time as a professional athlete. He was so young, and so much he could have lived for will never happen. But what if he never had someone in the dark for him during his time in the NFL? On the outside looking in, it’s hard to remember that, like Jackson, he was only human.
I just wanted to write this post to remind us that we can be someone in the dark for someone just as someone could do for us: a friend, companion, or lifeline. Jackson never got that even though he was the most famous person on the planet, and he still needed human compassion.
If you feel you need someone to reach out to you, that is okay. It is just Human Nature.
by themusecian
April 12, 2022
Source: medum.com

Michael Jackson Official Group

  https://youtu.be/GGwWaVS7QPo?si=sxtEseTkSfGOKWHG Happy Birthday to Michael Jackson . Thank you for sharing your gift with the world and f...

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