Шарл Бодлер

Ron Pia


Michael Jackson vs Elvis Presley? At least once a week I'll have someone message me saying Elvis was more popular than Michael. I usually just shake my head in amazement but I would like to hear your opinion..The following response I found online says EXACTLY how I feel..What do you think? Michael Jackson is and always will remain bigger than Elvis Presley ever was. You Elvis fans need to understand that the claim Elvis is only known in North America (Excluding Mexico) and parts of Europe is true. Yes the satellite argument Elvis fans will make well if that is true Michael Jackson still has or in today's standard had 4.8 Billion Fans which has been confirmed by CNN and The Guardian and Elvis audience was 1.6 billion. It is a fact that Elvis Presley was never really known outside of North America and parts of Europe and it is not his fault his manager never let him tour around the world because of his own insecurities. So Elvis never really had the chance to come out and shine in front of the world. Now if he did this would be a lot closer. Everywhere Michael Jackson went to Asia in Japan, Thailand, Seoul, India, Malaysia Michael Jackson was mobbed he was also very loved and known in China just as much as Jesus is out there. That is 4 billion people Michael Jackson would definitely take Asia from Elvis and by those standards Elvis can take every other continent but Michael would still win the fame battle. Yes Elvis has an artifact in India but all of India loves Michael Jackson and he has thousands of artifacts out in India Michael Jackson in known in the rich and poor parts of India. Africa yes in Africa nobody knows about Elvis Presley but they all know who Michael Jackson is and they love him especially since Michael Jackson made a music video and performed in Tunisia and South Africa and was mobbed again. Michael Jackson already took Asia and Africa. Let's move on to Europe now Elvis was well known in parts of Europe like the UK, Germany but Michael Jackson was known there plus the rest of Europe he performed in Europe many times on his Tours. Asia, Africa and Europe Michael Jackson takes it. Now South America Brazil, Barcelona all know and love Michael Jackson as well They Don't Care About Us was made in Brazil. Michael Jackson did many concerts in South America as well he takes this one. Asia, Africa, Europe and South America 6+ billion people goes to Michael Jackson. Now North America including Mexico which Michael takes America which I'll give to Elvis and Canada also Elvis so North America is Elvis cake. Australia Michael Jackson toured there a lot of times and got mobbed and always sold out Michael Jackson takes Australia. Antarctica heck I wouldn't be surprised if I seen some Penguins moonwalking out there or doing the Anti Gravity Lean.
Winners by continents
Asia (4 billion people) - Michael Jackson
Africa (1 billion people) - Michael Jackson
Europe (750 million people) - Michael Jackson
South America (600+ million people) - Michael Jackson
North America (500+ million people) - Elvis Presley
Australia (25 million people) - Michael Jackson
So Michael Jackson takes this easily I know because much of my friends are from these continents and they say Elvis music isn't really played but everyone knows of Michael Jackson. Now I know you all are gonna say but Elvis sold more albums, had more hits, more Top 10 Singles true but with about 15 more albums and it's not like he's miles ahead of Michael Jackson. He made about 15 more albums and is barely ahead. Also most of the sales derive from the United States. Most successful artists like Bruno Mars, Beyonce, Chris Brown, The Weeknd, Justin Bieber all say Michael Jackson is their main inspiration for their music even a similar worldwide artist like Madonna is mainly influenced by Michael Jackson. Not many artists say Elvis Presley was their main inspiration in music and if they do they are nowhere near as popular as the artists I listed.
Winner - Michael Jackson it's not even close....
By the way Elvis had 3 Grammy Awards (all in the gospel category)..Michael had 13 Grammy Awards plus other ones for " Special Achievement "........
Your thoughts?

Ilaria Sacchini


Direttamente dalla pagina ufficiale.
“La star, attrice e cantante di “Euphoria” Zendaya afferma che la sua ispirazione musicale numero uno è Michael Jackson: “Ogni piccola cosa che faceva, la supervisionava e si assicurava che fosse perfetta. Lui è il re".
Euphoria è una serie TV che personalmente amo, oltre a Euphoria Zendaya ha recitato il ruolo di "Michelle" negli ultimi film di Spider-Man

Michael Jackson FanSquare • MJFS


In questo giorno di 26 anni fa, 31 marzo 1996, il capolavoro "They Don't Care About Us" di Michael Jackson veniva pubblicato come quarto singolo del doppio album "HIStory: Past, Present and Future", rilasciato nel giugno precedente.
Il Re del Pop aveva cominciato a lavorare sulla traccia già dal 1990, durante le sessioni per l'album “Dangerous”.
La sua intenzione era quella di comporre un brano dalle liriche aggressive il quale esprimesse la sua rabbia e indignazione nei confronti delle ingiustizie che i più deboli subivano ogni giorno nel mondo.
Le parole della canzone erano in concomitanza con una base ritmica tribale che sviluppò assieme a Matt Forger.
Quando, successivamente, Jackson e il suo team decisero di riprendere il brano per l'album “HIStory”, rielaborarono l'intero arrangiamento della prima demo registrata nel 1990.
Michael fece numerosissime prove con i suoi musicisti, arrivando ad ammassare oltre cento tracce sulle console.
L'ingegnere del suono Rob Hoffman, a proposito della lavorazione di “They Don't Care about Us”, disse:
«Michael voleva che la batteria avesse un certo attacco. Pretendeva che il suono ti picchiasse tutto attorno alla testa... Mi è toccato navigare attraverso milioni di suoni per avere quel groove. Solo la base percussiva occupava più di 20 tracce sul mixer!
Michael suonava e provava quel “boom-boom-tak-tak” per ore attraverso gli speaker, mentre nella testa scriveva il resto della canzone, compreso il testo».
Trevor Rabin, chitarrista della storica band Yes che suonò il pesante riff di intermezzo in “They Don't Care About Us”, ricordò: «Non ho mai visto così tante persone al lavoro durante una sessione di registrazione in vita mia».
Slash, che non necessita certo di presentazioni, fece da supporto per le restanti parti di chitarra, aggiungendo una venatura Hard Rock al pezzo che rimarca veementemente la durezza delle liriche e ne impreziosisce il sound.
L'assistente ingegnere del suono, Leslie Brathwaite, si espresse così in merito alla lavorazione del pezzo: «Fu tecnicamente un incubo, perché usammo credo quattro o cinque sintetizzatori da 48 tracce ognuno, collegati insieme solo per far suonare come si deve la canzone!»
Quando l'album “HIStory” fu pubblicato il 15 giugno 1995, “They Don't Care About Us” creò scompiglio a causa di alcuni versi che vennero giudicati offensivi dalla comunità ebraica.
Le parole incriminate si trovano nella strofa: “Jew me / sue me / everybody do me / kick me / kike me / don't you black or white me”.
In particolare, “Jew me” e “Kike me” (“Dammi del giudeo” e “Dammi dell'ebreo”) destarono parecchio scalpore; seppur Michael, in un'intervista con Diane Sawyer, spiegò che il significato che lui voleva esprimere venne completamente stravolto, messo fuori contesto, e che non era assolutamente pensato per essere offensivo nei confronti di nessuna etnia e credo religioso.
Jackson, nel cantare quei versi in questa “filastrocca percussiva anti-oppressione”, vede se stesso come la vittima dei pregiudizi, ma la comunità ebraica e i media etichettarono le liriche come “antisemitiche”.
A seguito di questo polverone, fu costretto a porvi rimedio in sala di registrazione, coprendo con suoni elettronici le parole incriminate.
Musicalmente parlando, “They Don't Care About Us” non è solo una canzone che con impeto e rabbia sputa in faccia la verità agli oppressori dei popoli: è perfezione musicale in ogni sua cellula, una delle massime espressioni artistiche del Re del Pop.
L'unica “nota dolente” è che il testo, purtroppo, risulta più attuale che mai.
NEL VIDEO, Michael Jackson si esibisce in "Scream" e “They Don't Care About Us” davanti ai 55.000 spettatori dell’Asia World City di Manila, nelle Filippine. HIStory World Tour, 8 dicembre 1996.
Post di Marco Di Gregorio e video di Stefano Idonia dal nostro Gruppo privato Michael Jackson FanSquare • ITALIA.

Ron Pia


ON THIS DAY IN MICHAEL JACKSON HISTORY- March 31,1983 - Michael Jackson's "Beat It" short film premiered on MTV.
The music video for "Beat It" helped establish Michael an international pop icon.The video was Michael's first treatment of black youth and the streets. Both "Beat It" and "Thriller" are notable for their "mass choreography" of synchronized dancers, a Michael Jackson trademark.
The video, which cost Michael $150,000 to create after CBS refused to finance it. It was filmed on Los Angeles' Skid Row—mainly on locations on East 5th Street—around March 9, 1983. To add authenticity to the production but also to foster peace between them, Michael had the idea to cast members of rival Los Angeles street gangs Crips and Bloods.In addition to around 80 genuine gang members, the video, which is noted for opening up many job opportunities for dancers in the US, also featured 18 professional dancers and four breakdancers.Besides Michael Jackson, Michael Peters, and Vincent Paterson, the cast included Michael DeLorenzo, Stoney Jackson, Tracii Guns, Tony Fields, Peter Tram, Rick Stone and Cheryl Song. The bar location shown in the latter part of the first minute of the video was also featured 13 years earlier in the gatefold and on the back cover of the Doors 1970 album, Morrison Hotel. Coincidentally, the name of that skid row bar, the Hard Rock Café, was also the inspiration for the London original of the famous chain of restaurants begun in 1971.
The video was written and directed by Bob Giraldi, produced by Ralph Cohen, Antony Payne and Mary M. Ensign through the production company GASP. The second video released for the Thriller album, it was choreographed by Michael Peters who also performed, alongside Vincent Paterson, as one of the two lead dancers. Despite some sources claiming otherwise, Michael was involved in creating some parts of the choreography.Michael asked Bob Giraldi, at the time already an established commercial director but who had never directed a music video,to come up with a concept for the "Beat It" video because he really liked a commercial Giraldi had directed for WLS-TV in Chicago about a married couple of two elderly blind people who instead of running from a run-down neighborhood all the other white people had fled from, chose to stay and throw a block party for all the young children in the area. Contrary to popular belief, the concept of the video was not based on the Broadway musical West Side Story; in reality Giraldi drew inspiration from his growing up in Paterson, New Jersey.
The video had its world premiere on MTV during prime time on March 31, 1983. Soon after its premiere the video was also running on other video programs including BET's Video Soul, SuperStation WTBS's Night Tracks, and NBC's Friday Night Videos. In fact, "Beat It" was the first video shown on the latter's first ever telecast on July 29, 1983.
The video opens with the news of a fight circulating at a diner. This scene repeats itself at a pool hall, where gang members arrive and the song begins to play. The camera cuts to Michael lying on a bed as he contemplates the senseless violence. Michael notices rival gangs and leaves. Michael wears a red leather J. Parks brand jacket and dances his way towards the fight through the diner and pool hall. A knife fight is taking place between the two gang leaders in a warehouse. They dance battle for an interlude of music until Michael arrives; he breaks up the fight and launches into a dance routine. The video ends with the gang members joining him in the dance, agreeing that violence is not the solution to their problems.

Quincy Jones Reflects On His Feud With Michael Jackson After The 'Bad' Album | the detail.


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Michael Jackson Official Group

  https://youtu.be/GGwWaVS7QPo?si=sxtEseTkSfGOKWHG Happy Birthday to Michael Jackson . Thank you for sharing your gift with the world and f...

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