"I love the nature of Switzerland, It takes your breath away -- the mountains and the valleys are so beautiful, it's like a storybook country and every place is like postcard picture. I promised myself that I would one day own a house in Switzerland and it's a promise I'll keep to myself," said Michael Jackson.
Unfortunately, he never fulfilled this desire... although he actually tried!
Secretly, he had attempted to purchase a home in Switzerland after recording Blood On The Dance Floor -- his heart set on obtaining the Manoir de Ban, the former residence of Charlie Chaplin. However, the Chaplin family refused to sell the property to him.
През годините Майкъл също е предприел много тайни частни пътувания до двореца Гщаад в Швейцария, където е отседнал в огромен хотелски апартамент с не друг, а с Елизабет Тейлър.
„Никой не знаеше,“ казва Питър Уис, готвачът, който беше назначен за техните нужди за хранене, „освен нас“.
„Ем Джей, както и повечето членове на кралското семейство, са обикновени хора, които ядат“, казва Питър Вис, след като е обслужвал кралските семейства на Белгия, Испания и Италия.
Питър Уис твърди, че Майкъл винаги е ял много малко, „предимно малки количества хамбургери и помфрет“. Тейлър, от друга страна, обичаше рибни ястия
"When we first went to Switzerland, I almost started crying. I really did. The beauty. It's like, oh, God, it's crying out in the sky. It's an incredible country and it inspires me to see these things - the mountains. The pictures don't do justice to Switzerland."
-- Michael Jackson
“I love Switzerland. It’s so clean and cool. We don’t get much snow where I live so I get real excited in Lausanne and Geneva. I’d like to buy a house there when I’m older and settle down. It’s all so cute that it looks like a movie set.”
-- Michael Jackson
Repeatedly, Michael said (from late 70s and in the 1980s) if he married his true love, they would have to have a Disney style wedding, and move to Switzerland to complete the fairytale.