Шарл Бодлер


 Kerry Hennigan

"Alabama actor Josiah Benson will play Michael Jackson in the Broadway production of “MJ: The Musical.”
The 12-year-old Helena Middle School student will portray “Little Michael,” the young version of the international pop superstar, as the play goes on its national tour starting in August...
This isn’t Benson’s first acting job, having performed in various plays in the Birmingham area like “The Little Mermaid Jr.” and “Madagascar Jr.,” portraying Sebastian and The Captain, respectively. Both plays were performed at Virginia Samford Theater. He also had a part in “Les Misérables” for Irondale’s Jefferson County Academy of Theater and Dance.
While on the road, Benson will be homeschooled with a certified teacher." Source: AL.com https://www.msn.com/…/alabama-actor-set-to-play…/ar-AA1e8sWv

Филипс моли процесът да бъде отложен

 20 Юли 2023 Г

Джефри Филипс, който е съден от Michael Jackson Estate за предполагаеми откраднати вещи от дома на Майкъл Джексън само няколко дни след смъртта му, моли съда да отложи процеса, за да може да изгради своята защита.

Филипс е поискал насрочената дата на процеса на 6 септември 2023 г. да бъде отложена с 6 месеца, тъй като неговият адвокат все още иска да отстрани 93-годишната майка на Майкъл Катрин заедно с двамата съизпълнители на наследството, Джон Макклейн и Джон Бранка.

Филипс също каза, че трябва да смени адвоката и този нов адвокат се нуждае от повече време, за да навакса със случая. Той дори каза, че допълнителното време ще позволи на страните да продължат преговорите за споразумение.

Новият адвокат на Филипс каза, че наследството е посочило, че ще се противопостави на това предложение. Може би защото имат по-голям случай, върху който да се концентрират, и искат този глупав процес да приключи възможно най-скоро.


Yulia Julia


Michael jackson ”Extremely well-read,” had 10.000 books
Michael was an avid reader who had an appropriately majestic library at Neverland that held 10,000 volumes on its shelves, according to two recent Los Angeles newspaper articles.
In the midst of a lengthy interview in the L.A. Weekly, Jackson attorney Bob Sanger revealed the following as his last of three golden attributes that defined the Gloved One.
“Michael was extremely well-read…I knew Michael, but I got to know him a lot better at the trial. The judge was doing jury selection, and it was time for break. Judge Melville said, ‘Ladies and gentlemen, I want you to know that jury service is very, Tvery important.’ He’s trying to convince people not to have stupid excuses to get out of jury service. All judges do this. He says, ‘The jury system is a very time-honored system. It’s been around for 200 years. We’re going to take a break and come back in 15 minutes.’
“We stand up and the judge leaves, and Michael turns to me and says, ‘Bob, the jury system is much older than 200 years, isn’t it?’ I said, ‘Well, yeah, it goes back to the Greeks.’ He says, ‘Oh yeah, Socrates had a jury trial, didn’t he?’ I said, ‘Yeah, well, you know how it turned out for him.’ Michael says, ‘Yeah, he had to drink the hemlock.’ That’s just one little tidbit. We talked about psychology, Freud and Jung, Hawthorne, sociology, black history and sociology dealing with race issues. But he was very well read in the classics of psychology and history and literature.
“He loved to read. He had over 10,000 books at his house.
“And there were places that he liked to sit, and you could see the books with his bookmarks in it, with notes and everything in it where he liked to sit and read. And I can tell you from talking to him that he had a very – especially for someone who was self-taught, as it were, and had his own reading list – he was very well-read. And I don’t want to say that I’m well-read, but I’ve certainly read a lot, let’s put it that way, and I enjoy philosophy and history and everything myself, and it was very nice to talk to him, because he was very intellectual, and he liked to talk about those things. But he didn’t flaunt it, and it was very seldom that he would initiate the conversation like that, but if you got into a conversation like that with him, he was there.”
Michael Jackson would have been a compulsive collector of all things Peter Pan, the collecting completist’s completist, acquiring every single edition of the book, every scrap of paper associated with it, and everything from the story’s subsequent incarnations.

Kerry Hennigan

 Dr Dre admits turning down opportunities to work with MJ, Prince and Stevie Wonder because they are his heroes, and he didn't know what he could do for them. Quote: "Dr. Dre previously revealed in an interview before Jackson’s death in 2009 that he declined to work with the “Beat It” singer because “I like working with new artists. Unless it’s just somebody that, you know, I’m really feeling comfortable with in the studio. I can’t picture myself in the studio like, ‘Yo, Mike, do that again.'”

Д-р Дре за това защо „се отказа“ да работи с Майкъл Джексън, Принс и Стиви Уондър

Рапърът и музикален продуцент призна, че харесва начина, по който се чувства към своите „герои“, които „могат да се променят, като работят с тях“.

15 ЮЛИ 2023 Г., 20:15 Ч

Jacksons Empire Yulia Julia


Thome Thome вдясно на снимката

Please all of you Michael Jackson fans, read this important information carefully and distribute so that everyone knows the truth.🔴
We all know Thome Thome, who is a brazen greedy enemy who is next to Michael in the photo. And there's such a hypocritical Livingston, with white hair in the photo. The sad story is that these two greedy people and evil Dieter Wiesner stole drawings, rights, money, creativity from Michael Jackson. I will try to explain to you more briefly this dirty case that destroyed Michael. I didn't want to touch the name Jermaine Jackson because it's Michael's brother, but Jermaine Jackson introduced Michael to this evil man Thome Thome. Perhaps of course Jermaine Jackson did not know the true face of Thome Thome either. Thome Thome work as a Portier in the Beverly Hilton Hotel in 90 - x. Michael lost a lot of money because he easily believed that Jermaine Jackson leads only friends to him. Jermaine didn't know it was the enemy. Sadly. Thome Thome behind Michael sold Michael Jackson's work, drawings and rights for Livingston. It cost a lot of money. Thome Thome got a lot of money from sales. He stole from Michael and I want everyone to know the true face of Thome Thome. Livingston understood what he was doing, but he didn't care when it came to money, he betrayed Michael. For Money money.
So Livingstone is rich because of the rights and use Katherine Jackson.
Thome Thome selling a collection and left LA for two year. Or more.
All these enemies can be associated with the creators of "Leaving Neverland." Maybe. To finally completely destroy Michael. And guess who wants to destroy Michael Jackson more? Of course it's Tommy Mottola. This Tommy Mottola is a servant of the devil. Killer. Because of the catalog, because Michael has rights to the catalog. If you turn the dirty movie "Leaving Neverland" inside out, then we will all see that hell is teeming there because of the rights to the catalog. Sony catalog rights, this is the true face and reason behind the creation of "Leaving Neverland" against Michael Jackson. And that why they want to kill Michael.

Мики Литъл

 Когато го видях, бях шокиран, защото това е първият път в живота на Лулу да се опитва да направи статуя 1:1, Боже мой, за първи път! Чувствам се невероятно, защото никой не може да достигне това състояние за първи път. Въпреки че г-н Лулу не направи добър размер на статуята този път, тя е по-голяма от 1:1, но аз вярвам, че бъдещето е непредсказуемо, учителят винаги е имал магия, за да възпроизведе магията на моя ангел

🌹😭 Лу Лу

Francesca De Donatis


Esattamente 35 anni fa, il 15 Luglio 1988, il 'Bad World Tour' infiammava lo storico Wembley Stadium di Londra con il secondo concerto consecutivo di una serie di sette serate sold-out destinate ad entrare nel Guinness dei Primati.
L'inizio di un'autentica leggenda. 🔥
Tutti i dettagli, nel post in Pagina con la nostra FOTO del giorno a cura di Eric Di Scenza e Vincenzo Compierchio, e con l'intera galleria in HD dello show sul Forum del FanSquare. 📸
16 ч. 
Londra (Gran Bretagna), 15 Luglio 1988 - Michael Jackson esalta i 72 mila spettatori del Wembley Stadium con il secondo concerto inglese del suo leggendario 'Bad World Tour'.
Tra il luglio e l'agosto di quell'anno saranno ben sette le date - tutte rigorosamente sold out - tenute dal Re del Pop nella Capitale britannica, per un totale di 504 mila spettatori.
Un risultato straordinario che, come certificato dal Guinness World Records, rende ancora oggi quella di Londra la "serie di concerti di maggior successo di tutti i tempi".
Per rendere l'idea sul delirio di quegli anni, basti pensare che la notte tra il 28 e il 29 novembre 1987, per assicurarsi i biglietti delle sole prime due tappe di luglio, un esercito di ben 6 mila fan si era accampato davanti ai botteghini dello stadio.
Alla fine, saranno più di 2 milioni coloro che cercheranno di assicurarsi un posto nei sette, mitici concerti al Wembley, corrispondenti ad oltre trenta serate da tutto esaurito.
A cura di Eric Di Scenza e Vincenzo Compierchio dal nostro Gruppo privato Michael Jackson FanSquare • ITALIA.

Michael Jackson Official Group

  https://youtu.be/GGwWaVS7QPo?si=sxtEseTkSfGOKWHG Happy Birthday to Michael Jackson . Thank you for sharing your gift with the world and f...

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